Comments on: Reimagining the Cosmos: New Theory Unites Einstein’s Gravity With Quantum Mechanics Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:37:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fixed gravity for you. Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:37:05 +0000 In reply to Fixed gravity for you..

“Bored Hellraiser Einstein Yacht Club” NPC series – could be gold, amiright?

By: Fixed gravity for you. Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:12:57 +0000 In reply to Fixed gravity for you..

It’s AI’s visceral “Hellraiser Einstein” collectibles that everyone really wants to see.

By: Bhausaheb Bhosle Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:02:04 +0000 Science of time and the theory of everything revised edition by Bhausaheb Bhosle has all the answers related to the theory of everything retaining the same word and the same meaning. Time bound time dependent theory.

By: Fixed gravity for you. Tue, 05 Dec 2023 16:51:53 +0000 It’s like I can almost sense some people are being tortured by AI making giant concentric diffraction rings morph into galactic fingerprints. Fortunately, Google can derate all this to calm down the elite gravity expert rent-seeking population. No real US money goes there, I hope.

By: Swami Tue, 05 Dec 2023 16:15:07 +0000 These AI generated images are absolutely inappropriate for depicting ANY of the experiments they are supposed to reference. You guys HAVE to see how terrible these are, right? This is like using Hieronymus Bosch to do scientific illustration.

By: Scotty Mac Tue, 05 Dec 2023 13:27:02 +0000 As they attenpt to precisely measure the standard weight if gravity is a quantum function then wouldn’t the Uncertainty Principle dictate that the measurement would become less precise?

By: Reginald Grünenberg Tue, 05 Dec 2023 11:37:01 +0000 In reply to Reginald Grünenberg.

Sorry, not “unquantifiable”, of course, but “unquantizable”.

By: Reginald Grünenberg Tue, 05 Dec 2023 11:33:59 +0000 I think that Oppenheim et al. are on the right track, but that there is still more to the classical/quantum gravity divide. My theory of gravitative induction postulates that gravity itself has two sources: one classical and unquantifiable, an exclusively gravitationally attractive conservative field that cannot do any work; the other ones entirely quantum, consisting of particle streams that build up two non-conservative fields, one gravitationally attractive, the other repulsive, where work is done, namely accelerating or rather jerking stars and galaxies. See the section ‘Conclusion’ in my preprint with the mention of Oppenheim’s previous papers:

By: ostaf Tue, 05 Dec 2023 10:34:21 +0000 hi
please send me news

By: Fixed gravity for you. Tue, 05 Dec 2023 01:48:27 +0000 In reply to Fixed gravity for you..

“the timing of (spacing between) photons is left unchanged”

That’s a little bit of an overstatement that supposes a few things about changes in gravity along a path shared by two photons. I could compare the situation better to two packets of energy on a variable gravity fiber optic cable with variable light speed. Each light packet still takes the same time delay to traverse the same points along the entire cable regardless of variations alongh the way.

By: Bao-hua ZHANG Mon, 04 Dec 2023 22:50:05 +0000 I have read so many comments. Deeply understanding the misleading nature of the Physics Review Letters (PRL) towards contemporary physics is a sin.

By: Fixed gravity for you. Mon, 04 Dec 2023 20:50:03 +0000

Key point after wasting a lot of time on theory not used by GPS: “Global positioning system (GPS) satellites fly in different orbits around the Earth. These orbits are different frames of reference, so GPS has to take special relativity into consideration to help us navigate.”

They left out general relativity for a reason, although gravity change shifts the frequency of light (this is common knowledge) it is much more significant that the timing of (spacing between) photons is left unchanged and there are no clocks on the satellite actually indicating a time rate difference accumulated over a significant amount of time, compared to identical clocks on Earth. This is simply because empty space lacks net positive energy to be drawn in by gravity, considering one must remove positive energy particles like neutrinos and photons to obtain a true vacuum.

Sure, I know, every genius on the planet says gravitationally bent spacetime is the cat’s pajamas and the last word for GPS. Not quite the level of bluster I’d get from patent attorneys from time to time, but all just as misguided. Know what? they’re all faking it, vacuously mailing it in at best.

By: Brad Mon, 04 Dec 2023 18:41:48 +0000 This is hilarious: after reading the article and skipping over all the obligatory credits to all the people involved, it’s a question of quantum mechanics equaling relative mechanics in the search for scientific truth in the cosmos.

Einstein’s theory of relativity works for GPSs. At least, we know that much is true. If it wasn’t for Einstein’s theory I have read, we wouldn’t have the GPS that we have today.

So we know his formula works for that much at least. And it works for other things on a grand scale such as the bending of light around objects in space, like the sun.

And as far as quantum mechanics is concerned, I don’t know how much of that is still mathematical theory and how much has been proven.

But that gets into describing an electron as a field or a particle and that is a different thing altogether. The reason that we describe electrons as fields is because we cannot know where one is at any one time. Why? They’re too fast. We can know the probability of where one is at one time. That’s all that means.

It’s amazing that atoms and electrons are similar to the sun and the planets, though they are not the same. They are similar in that electrons have orbits around the nucleus of atoms, and the Earth has an orbit around the sun. But they exist on different scales. They seem to be similar, but not the same.

It speaks of a certain order in the universe, of a certain design. The popular theory that the universe is a bubble on a super universe is just conjecture. And that it came out of an instantaneous explosion of a point so small is also conjecture.

I once saw a debate between particle physicist and string physicists, and the particle physicist didn’t want to hear what the string physicist said, because they had no proof of what they believed. It was pure mathematical construct.

It’s like the place where I live at the moment. I know that it exists because I walk on the floor everyday, but after engaging in this conversation it doesn’t seem to be as real as it was 20 minutes ago!

The reason for that non-reality feeling I get is because I know that God will someday recreate the universe, in this universe, or cosmos, is slated to be rolled up like old clothes and thrown away!

By: Walt1955 Mon, 04 Dec 2023 16:40:20 +0000 In reply to Edski.

Luckily, we are able to accomplish quite a lot with what we are able to understand.

By: Edski Mon, 04 Dec 2023 15:39:38 +0000 The quest for quantum gravity is much like the quest for dark matter. Blind and ignorant, but we speculate anyway. I guess it’s better than ignoring the problems completely, but it seems that it way past time to consider other ideas.

By: Ralph Johnson Mon, 04 Dec 2023 13:42:45 +0000 Are these two different theories being questioned, is there only one answer, what I see in these comparisons is a difference of a closed system verse’s a open system, why can’t both be important to the other, the difference may be in a transitional area an interface that melds each function together in our universe. We live inside a magnetic field and in open space the boundaries are the universe mostly observed with the aid of photons.

By: Fixed gravity for you. Mon, 04 Dec 2023 12:59:29 +0000 In reply to Fixed gravity for you..

I’ve been writing on this site and elsewhere for years about quantum uncertainty in atomic clocks being the most obvious Achilles heel for the royal psy-op that is Einstein’s bent spacetime paradigm.

By: Fixed gravity for you. Mon, 04 Dec 2023 12:44:02 +0000 This is hilarious. Lacking spacing control, they might as well admit that when gravity bends/distorts/squeezes/stretches/speeds-up/slows-down light particles (aka photons), it leaves the distances between the light particle centroids unchanged. Bending space and time thus becomes a super-fun-time option to explain bent light. Problem with that is global psycho-supremacist brains will explode if this Einsteinian delusion becomes well known, hence they eagerly spring into media action with nonsense like this article.

By: Bao-hua ZHANG Mon, 04 Dec 2023 11:53:33 +0000 Relativity and quantum mechanics are the theories that human science has described the essence of spacetime closest to the actual situation. According to the theory of topological vortex gravitational field, relativity and quantum mechanics respectively describe the one body and two sides of topological vortex motion. One body is a topological vortex, which is a gravitational field no matter when and where. Two sides are the front and back of the topological vortex gravitational field. Observing both the front and back of the vortex simultaneously, for the observers, if they see left rotation in the front of the vortex, then what they see in the back of the vortex must be right rotation.
This means that topological vortex is one body with both left and right rotation, not a cat with both dead and alive.
Mathematics is always a beacon that guides physics towards the right path and direction. If you are really interested in science, you can browse the comments of the
I hope more people dare to stand up and fight against the rampant pseudoscience, instead of being fooled by the pseudoscientific ideas of the Physics Review Letters (PRL).
Good luck to you all.
