MICROSCOPE Spacecraft’s Most Precise Test of Key Component of the Theory of General Relativity


The Microscope satellite, a CNES mission with ESA cooperation to test the universality of freefall. The equivalence principle states that all objects should fall freely under gravity at the same rate, independent of their mass and composition, and is the founding principle of General Relativity, Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity. This principle has been tested by experiments on the ground, confirming with an accuracy of 1013 that objects with different characteristics experience the same acceleration from Earth’s gravity. By taking the experiment into space, Microscope will extend the range of measurements to an accuracy of 1015, enabling scientists to make a much more stringent test of General Relativity and possible extensions of this theory. Credit: CNES–D. Ducros, 2016

MICROSCOPE Mission Presents Most Precise Test of General Relativity’s Weak Equivalence Principle

In new research, a team of scientists demonstrates the most precise test ever of the Weak Equivalence Principle, a key component of the theory of general relativity. A pair of new studies on the research will be published today (September 14) in Physical Review Letters and a special issue of Classical and Quantum Gravity. The report describes the final results from the MICROSCOPE mission, which tested the principle by measuring accelerations of free-falling objects in a satellite orbiting Earth. The team found that the accelerations of pairs of objects differed by no more than about one part in 1015 ruling out any violations of the Weak Equivalence Principle or deviations from the current understanding of general relativity at that level.

“We have new and much better constraints for any future theory, because these theories must not violate the equivalence principle at this level,” says Gilles Métris. He is a scientist at Côte d’Azur Observatory and member of the MICROSCOPE team.

Published by Albert Einstein in 1915, the theory of general relativity describes how gravity works and relates to time and space. However, it does not account for the observations of quantum phenomena. Therefore, scientists look for deviations from the theory at increasing levels of precision and in various situations. Such violations would indicate new interactions or forces that could unite relativity with quantum physics. Testing the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) is one way to search for potential expansions to general relativity.

Objects in a gravitational field fall in the same way when no other forces are acting on them, even if they have different masses or compositions, according to the WEP. To test the principle, the MICROSCOPE team designed their experiment to measure the Eötvös ratio — which relates the accelerations of two free-falling objects — to an extremely high precision. If the acceleration of one object differs from the other’s by more than about one part in 1015, the experiment would measure it and detect this violation of the WEP.

MICROSCOPE Satellite in Space

The MICROSCOPE mission tested the Weak Equivalence Principle by measuring accelerations of free-falling objects in a satellite orbiting Earth. Researchers found that the accelerations of pairs of objects differed by no more than about one part in 10^15, ruling out any violations of the Weak Equivalence Principle or deviations from the current understanding of general relativity at that level. The final results will be published in Physical Review Letters and a special issue of Classical Quantum Gravity on September 14. Credit: (c) CNES 2015

To measure the Eötvös ratio, the researchers monitored the accelerations of platinum and titanium alloy test masses as they orbited Earth in the MICROSCOPE satellite. Electrostatic forces were used by the experimental instrument to keep pairs of test masses in the same position relative to each other and looked for potential differences in these forces, which would indicate differences in the objects’ accelerations.

A significant challenge of the experiment was finding ways to test the instrument on Earth to make sure it would work as designed in space. “The difficulty is that the instrument we launch cannot operate on the ground,” says Manuel Rodrigues, a scientist at the French aerospace lab ONERA and member of the MICROSCOPE team. “So it’s a kind of blind test.”

Once the instrument was ready, it was launched by the team in 2016. They released preliminary results in 2017, but they continued to analyze the data, accounting for glitches and systematic uncertainties, after the mission ended in 2018. They ultimately found no violation of the WEP, setting the most stringent constraints on the principle yet.

MICROSCOPE Mission Graphic

Published in Physical Review Letters and a special issue of Classical Quantum Gravity on September 14, the final results from the MICROSCOPE mission measured accelerations of free-falling objects in a satellite orbiting Earth. The team found that the accelerations of pairs of objects differed by no more than about one part in 1015, ruling out any violations of the Weak Equivalence Principle or deviations from the current understanding of general relativity at that level. Credit: (c) ONERA

The team’s work paves the way for even more precise tests of the WEP with satellite experiments. Their analysis includes ways to improve the experimental setup, like reducing crackles in the satellite’s coating that affected acceleration measurements and replacing wires in the setup with contactless devices. A satellite experiment that implements these upgrades should be able to measure potential violations of the WEP at the level of one part in 1017, the researchers say. But the MICROSCOPE results will likely remain the most precise constraints on the WEP for a while.

“For at least one decade or maybe two, we don’t see any improvement with a space satellite experiment,” Rodrigues says.


14 September 2022, Physical Review Letters.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.121102

14 September 2022, Classical and Quantum Gravity.

113 Comments on "MICROSCOPE Spacecraft’s Most Precise Test of Key Component of the Theory of General Relativity"

  1. 1. Topological vortex and anti-vortex field pairs generate or annihilate at the limit points, and encounter, split or merge at the bifurcation points of the 3-dimensional vector order parameter. They can form unstable point defects system.

    2. The most raw field and interaction in the universe can be written in terms of the topological vortex and anti-vortex field pairs.

    3. The gravitation that comes from the topological vortex and anti-vortex field pairs is the beginning of all things, and is the most raw power for maintaining and connecting the world.

    4. The unified field theory can be written in terms of the interaction for topological vortex and anti-vortex field pairs that is topological vortex and anti-vortex field = matter and anti-matter = monopole particles = graviton.

  2. The complex interaction of topological vortices is the basis of the formation and evolution of cosmic matter. One is vortex, more is different. This is the physical essence of the theory of condensed matter. Scientific research cannot be separated from seeking truth from facts. We should see the essence through phenomena and act according to nature low. Many strange things are actually not strange.

  3. Bao-hua ZHANG | January 3, 2023 at 3:43 pm | Reply

    From accretion disks to quantum spins, countless facts show that the interaction and balance of topological vortex gravitational fields are indispensable in the formation and evolution of cosmic matter. The mathematics has also clearly told us that the topological vortex gravitational field can evolve into a complex space-time structure from the cusp singularity. However, contemporary physics has always regarded understanding as muddle headed, starting from the top-level design and developing wantonly towards pseudoscience. Wrong world outlook and scientific outlook may mislead a generation, even several generations. If you are interested, you can browse https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/463666584.

  4. Bao-hua ZHANG | January 5, 2023 at 3:48 pm | Reply

    1. To measure the speed of light in vacuum, the range of vacuum must be determined first.
    2. If the range of vacuum cannot be determined, do not tell the public that the speed of light you measure is the speed of light in vacuum.
    3. As long as there are lights, rays, beam or various energy waves in the space, it cannot be called vacuum.
    4. According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, the speed of light in vacuum is an intrinsic attribute of light, which is independent of the selected reference system.
    5. According to the theory of topological vortex gravitational field, the vacuum range between the two ends of light is uncertain, which can be infinite great or infinitely small, depending on the physical environment of the space where light is located.

  5. The origin of the asymmetry of matter and antimatter is one of the most challenging problems in particle physics and cosmology. The hierarchical structure of matter and the way it interacts are crucial to understand matter and antimatter. Topological vortices are points in 2D fields and lines in 3D fields (as they have codimension two). Studies had confirmed that the interactions with two point vortices as the initial condition can form complex space-time structures. Symmetry is mainly expressed between topological vortex and anti-vortex, rather than between the high-dimensional space-time matter formed by their interaction. Topological vortex can be infinitely large or infinitely small. From the cosmic space accretion disk to the quantum spin, nothing is different.

  6. According to the topological vortex field theory, the topological vortex gravitational field is the source of all things. They form a new space-time structure through superposition, deflection and kink, and are the inexhaustible motive force of mass, inertia and various forms of energy.

  7. According to the topological vortex field theory, quantum gravity comes from the interaction between topological vortex gravitational fields. From the cosmic space accretion disk to the quantum spin, the topological vortex gravitational fields are everywhere.

  8. Numerous topological vortices and their twin anti-vortices interact with each other to form a world that human eyes see and do not see. Symmetry is mainly manifested in the topological vortex and its twin anti-vortex, but not in the high-dimensional space-time matter formed by their interaction. From the cosmic space accretion disk to the quantum spin, this interaction is everywhere.

  9. Topological vortex is a natural gravitational field. Mass, inertia and various forms of energy are the result of the interaction of topological vortices. In fact, each topological vortex is the unity of opposites of left rotation and right rotation, which is not only for the observers, that is the same in the interaction of vortices. There is no eternal mass, only eternal fluid mechanics.

  10. In fact, each topological vortex is the unity of opposites of left rotation and right rotation, which is not only for the observers, that is the same in the interaction of vortices. There is no eternal mass, only eternal fluid mechanics.

  11. Contemporary physics has been fooled by pseudoscience. Topological vortex is a natural gravitational field. According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, gravity is the source of all things and the most raw force to maintain and connect the world. Mathematics tells us that topological vortex can form complex space-time structure by interaction. Mathematics does not tell us that there must be God particles, neutrinos, bosons and fermions. That the imaginary microscopic particles with certain physical properties, even if they exist, are also the result of topological vortex interaction. Everything is the interaction of topological vortices from the cosmic space accretion disk to the quantum spin. The end of science is mathematics, not theology and wishful thinking.

  12. Symmetries are power. For centuries, symmetries have allowed physicists to find underlying connections and fundamental relationships throughout the universe. The symmetry of topological vortex and its anti-vortex conform to the all characteristics of matter and antimatter scales in the ground state. We have observed that the vortex field is indeed everywhere, from the quantum spin to accretion disk in cosmos. That just are the implications of the vortex field for particle physics and cosmology.

  13. Many physical phenomena observed in scientific experiments are often not the whole picture, let alone the essence, the hidden variables in which are closely related to symmetry. Scientific research is inseparable from seeking truth from facts. We should see the essence through the phenomenon and act according to the laws of nature, rather than distorting the facts and making arbitrary inference. Parity non-conservation and symmetry breaking are appearances, not the essence of nature.From the cosmic space accretion disk to the quantum spin, what is the fact of the space-time background. Why does contemporary physics turn a blind eye to vortex and pursue the so-called string instead. What gives the vortex the power of endless rotation. Why give up the natural gravitational field of vortex and look for the source of gravity everywhere. Humans are great because they are good at thinking.

  14. In particle physics, an elementary particle or fundamental particle is not composed of other particles. Dirac equation predicted every fundamental particle in the universe has an antiparticle – its identical twin but with opposite charge. That are parity conservation (P), charge conjugation (C) and time reversal (T) are the nature feature of elementary particles.The essence of mass, inertia and various forms of energy is the interaction of elementary particles. According to the modern discoveries in physics, fundamental forces and elementary particles can be written in terms of a pair of physical and virtual fields. Topological vortex and anti-vortex fields always appear in pairs. They perfectly reflect the exact symmetry under the simultaneous transformation of parity conservation (P), charge conjugation (C) and time reversal (T). As a result,Topological vortex and anti-vortex field pairs had all the physical characteristics of elementary particles.

  15. Special Statement
    1. Contemporary physics has long been misled by so-called academic journals and scientific associations.
    2. According to the topological vortex field theory, topological vortex and its twin anti-vortex mirror each other. Symmetry is mainly expressed between topological vortex and its twin anti-vortex, but not between the high-dimensional space-time matter formed after their interaction.
    3. Whether two objects are mirror images of each other must meet two requirements, one is simultaneous transformation, the other is precise symmetry, both of which are indispensable.
    4. Please speak with facts. Which of the above two requirements can be achieved by the artificial inversion of two groups of Cobalt-60?
    5.It is not rigorous to observe parity by using two sets of cobalt-60 reversals. Physical Review Letters has created the largest bug in the history of human science.
    6. It is not rigorous to discuss parity between two objects that are not mirror images of each other. This discussion has no value or significance.
    7. Science will eventually return to the right track, and it will not change for the misleading of Physical Review Letters and some so-called scientific associations.

  16. The spin of topological vortex field covers all the long and short distance contributions of space-time motion, which is the basis of the evolution of space-time material motion. Scientific research has not found atoms, electrons, quanta and so-called neutrinos that are just a point and never spin.

  17. Topological vortices are points in 2D fields. Two or more topological vortices interact together, in which the vortex cores or planes are deviated, or the vortex cores and planes all are deviated.
    (1) Absolute Space-time
    The cores of the vortices are coincided, where the vortex planes of them are deviated from each other. This vortex field is defined as Absolute Space-time (AST). The typical geometric model is sphere.
    (2) Quantum Space-time
    The planes of the vortices are superimposed in the same easy-planes, where the vortex cores of them deviate. This vortex field is defined as Quantum Space-time (QST). The typical geometric model is Möbius strip.
    (3) Relative Space-time
    The cores and the planes of the vortices all are deviated from each other. This vortex field is defined as Relative Space-time (RST). The typical geometric model is cylinder.
    Relativity describes the evolution of topological vortex in relative space-time (RST), while quantum mechanics describes the evolution of topological vortex in quantum space-time (QST). According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, both relativity and quantum mechanics are correct.

  18. The essence of space-time movement is the dynamic evolution of one or countless points. Topological vortices are points in 2D fields. The end of science is mathematics, is the dynamic evolution of the mathematical symbol topological vortex, is the interaction and balance of the gravitational field of topological vortex, and is the unity of mathematics, physics and philosophy.

  19. The theory of unity of opposites is the basis for dialectical materialism to understand all existence and movement relations, and is the essence and core of materialistic dialectics. The essence of philosophy for Schrödinger’s cat is the unity of opposites. Topological vortex is point in 2D field. Observing the vortex simultaneously in front and behind of 2D field, if clockwise rotation is observed in front of the vortex, then counterclockwise rotation will be observed in behind of the vortex. The unity of opposites of clockwise rotation and counterclockwise rotation, which is not only for the observers, that is the same in the interaction of vortices. Cat is a high-dimensional space-time material. It is unscientific to use cat to analogy low-dimensional space-time material. That can easily lead to misunderstanding and ambiguity. With the deepening of the study about topological vortex field, human science’s understanding about the laws of material motion is expected to be perfectly solved in topological space-time. Mr.Schrödinger’s half-dead cat and poison bottle should probably end and go into history. If you are interested, you can browse https://www.zhihu.com/column/c_1278787135349633024.

  20. Bao-hua ZHANG | March 15, 2023 at 9:49 pm | Reply

    Fluid vortex is a point in the two-dimensional field, and its physical characteristics are more suitable to be described by energy rather than mass. According to the gravitational field theory of topological vortex, there are two kinds of vortex, one is constant temperature vortex, the other is variable temperature vortex.

  21. Bao-hua ZHANG | March 18, 2023 at 3:36 pm | Reply

    Spin physics are vital for describing how our world is screwed together. Topological vortices are points with spin in 2D fields.They are natural gravitational fields. According to topological vortex gravitational field theory, the VA field pair interact to form topological bifurcation that make up the fundamental understructure of various particles.

  22. Bao-hua ZHANG | March 21, 2023 at 9:44 pm | Reply

    According to the gravitational field theory of topological vortices, before topological vortices interact, no one knows how topological vortices will connect with the outside world. Topological vortex and its identical twin anti-vortex may be the most raw field and interaction in the universe. They exhibit a rotational motion around a fixed guiding center, the nature of them are gravitational field. Gravity is the key to understanding the unified world.Science cannot be separated from seeking truth from facts. For pseudoscience in academic journals, please do not expect that few people understand it. Scientific research can be to imagine and guess, but it should not be reckless so as to seriously deviate from nature and the essence of science.

  23. Bao-hua ZHANG | March 26, 2023 at 8:13 pm | Reply

    Mathematics is the language in which humans write the universe. Mathematics does not tell humans that elementary particles must be spherical, but can be unipolar. That suggest elementary particles may be two-dimensional matter. Topological vortices are points with spin in 2D fields. According to topological vortex gravitational field theory, the interaction of two or more vortices can form a complex space-time structure. Everything thrives on spin.

  24. Bao-hua ZHANG | March 30, 2023 at 9:34 pm | Reply

    Many physical phenomena observed in scientific experiments are often not the whole picture, let alone the essence. Scientific research is inseparable from seeking truth from facts. We should see the essence through the phenomenon and act according to the laws of nature, rather than distorting the facts and making arbitrary inference. According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, the antielectron, antiproton, antineutron and antiquarks found in current scientific experiments are just coincidences in physical experiments. Matter and antimatter are only used to describe the “Schrödinger’s box” before it is opened, and cannot be used to describe the “Schrödinger’s box” after it is opened.The topic involves the essential differences between microscopic particles and elementary particles. The spatiotemporal structures of topological vortices before and after interaction are different.

  25. Bao-hua ZHANG | April 3, 2023 at 8:10 pm | Reply

    String Theory and CP Violation are pseudoscience. According to the gravitational field theory of topological vortex, the physical real mirror image of nature only exists between the topological vortex and its twin antivortex.

  26. Bao-hua ZHANG | April 8, 2023 at 6:26 pm | Reply

    Scientific research should not be always a blind man touchs an elephant, and adhere to that unremittingly.
    According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, the following conclusions can be drawn:
    1. Relativity and quantum mechanics are correct in their respective fields. However, they must be understood correctly.
    2. String theory is a pseudoscience, which has no factual basis whether in the macroscopic scale of the universe or the microscopic scale of quantum.
    3. CP violation is a blatant sophistry and a pseudoscience.
    4. Many papers in so-called academic journals such as Science, Nature and PRL are pseudoscience.
    5. Many established and ongoing research projects are destined to have no results or end up with Interpreting it in an incorrect way.
    6. Nobel Prize and the so-called scientific association were misled by the so-called academic journals, and many awards were awarded to pseudoscience.
    Scientific research must eventually return to the right track, and it will not be changed because it was misled by so-called academic journals and scientific associations. Author sincerely hope that the academic community can wake up as soon as possible.

    • Bao-hua ZHANG | May 9, 2023 at 4:11 pm | Reply

      Symmetries are power. For centuries, symmetries have allowed physicists to find underlying connections and fundamental relationships throughout the universe. For physics, CP violation is equivalent to self defeating martial arts.

  27. Bao-hua ZHANG | April 11, 2023 at 6:56 am | Reply

    What are microscopic particles? What are elementary particle? What is the essential difference between microscopic particles and elementary particle? In particle physics, an elementary particle or fundamental particle is not composed of other particles. Dirac equation predicted every fundamental particle in the universe has an antiparticle – its identical twin but with opposite charge.
    In topology, a point in space-time may evolve into vortex-antivortex (VA) pairs by topological phase transition. The non-trivial topological phase has two singular points of zero reflection in the generalized parameter space, and their phase distributions support the optical vortex and antivortex, respectively. Optical vortices are characterized by a helical phase front and a phase singularity in the beam center, and are given a number called the topological charge according to how many twists the light does in one wavelength. The number is always an integer and can be positive or negative. Vortex beams with different topological charges are orthogonal, which suggests that high-dimensional multiplexing is possible.
    Obviously, topological vortex is not composed of other particles and has an antivortex – its identical twin but with opposite charge. Topological vortex has all the physical characteristics of elementary particle.

  28. Bao-hua ZHANG | April 17, 2023 at 4:14 pm | Reply

    In the world of topological vortices, there are no so-called dark clouds in the sky of physics, and the author will not take away any clouds. With the Schrödinger’s Cat Box slowly opened, the exciting moment to witness the history of science of mankind is coming. Please wait for more exciting moments.

  29. Bao-hua ZHANG | April 17, 2023 at 8:48 pm | Reply

    Scientific research cannot do without correct and scientific theories. The fundamental reason why humans are different from other animals is that they have powerful theories based on logic and mathematics, which are applied in practice. The value of mathematics lies in its ability to make humans smarter and smarter, not more and more foolish. A correct understanding of the gravitational nature of topological vortices helps to understand Relativity and Quantum Mechanics correctly.

  30. Bao-hua ZHANG | April 19, 2023 at 4:42 pm | Reply

    In 1996, Scientific American journalist John Horgan published “The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age”. The book has received a lot of attention and also received widespread criticism. This raises a question: What is the end of science?
    According to the gravitational field theory of topological vortex, the End of Science is mathematics, is the topological vortex in mathematics, is the interaction and balance of topological vortex, and is the superposition, deflection and kink of topological vortex gravitational field.
    The unity of chance and necessity, continuity and discontinuity in spatiotemporal motion runs through the interaction of topological vortices.

  31. Bao-hua ZHANG | April 19, 2023 at 10:16 pm | Reply

    Topological vortex is not only a mathematical notation, but also a physical reality. The interaction and balance of them cover all long-distance and short-range contributions to spatiotemporal motion, and are the foundation of the evolution of spatiotemporal material motion. Vortex is a natural gravitational field. Quantum Mechanics and Relativity complement each other in the interaction of topological vortices gravitational field. They perfectly interpret the context of spatiotemporal motion.
    Topological vortices are not only the superposition of both dextrorotatiom and levorotation, but also the superposition of both certainty and uncertainty. Without certainty, there would be no topological vortices. Without uncertainty, there would be no motion and evolution of topological vortices. Certainty and uncertainty are inseparable, then topological vortices and motion are inseparable.

  32. Bao-hua ZHANG | April 27, 2023 at 7:51 am | Reply

    According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, no particle can be independent from the world. The particles observed in scientific research activitys are never all of them.

  33. Bao-hua ZHANG | April 27, 2023 at 8:31 am | Reply

    If neutrino is independent from the world, and almost never interact with other matter, it must be a myth of the real world. Myth has nothing to do with science. The topological storm is coming, I can see the approaching steps of the spring for human scientific and technological revolution. Whoever has mastered the topological vortex gravitational field is expected to become the master of the universe.

  34. Bao-hua ZHANG | April 27, 2023 at 8:37 am | Reply

    If neutrino is independent from the world, and almost never interact with other matter, it must be a myth of the real world. Myth has nothing to do with science. The topological vorte storm is coming, I can see the approaching steps of the spring for human scientific and technological revolution. Whoever has mastered the topological vortex gravitational field is expected to become the master of the universe.

  35. Bao-hua ZHANG | May 3, 2023 at 6:59 pm | Reply

    Contemporary physics believes that the spin of the Higgs boson is zero. It can obtain mass through self interaction. According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, zero spin is one of the interaction modes of topological vortex. If the spin is zero, mass can be obtained. Topological vortices are more capable of obtaining mass in interactions. Without the interaction of topological vortices, it is impossible to explain the zero spin of the Higgs boson, is impossible to explain whether the Higgs boson has gravity, and is impossible to explain where the mass of the Higgs boson comes from. The mass and gravity of the Higgs boson cannot come from God. God is a myth, not mathematics, let alone science.

  36. Bao-hua ZHANG | May 13, 2023 at 6:14 am | Reply

    According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, the formation and propagation of light depend on the interaction and balance of topological vortex gravitational field. Therefore, in some cases, the propagation speed of light waves is equal to that of gravitational waves.

  37. Bao-hua ZHANG | May 29, 2023 at 12:42 am | Reply

    Physics needs to fully understand the beauty and power of mathematics. The interaction and balance of topological vortex gravitational field shows that mathematical concepts can indeed become the basic structure that dominates the physical world.

  38. Bao-hua ZHANG | May 29, 2023 at 12:52 am | Reply

    The vortex battery based on topology architecture may be the direction of future energy for human society. According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, the vortex battery based on the topological structure can have endless power. It is not impossible to borrow force from the expansion of the universe and shine together with the sun and stars.

  39. Bao-hua ZHANG | May 31, 2023 at 10:55 pm | Reply

    The Shame of Contemporary Physics
    One Open Letter to The Physical Review Letters

    Dear Editor
    A paper called “Question of Parity Conservation in Weak Interactions”. Which published by Physical Review Letters (PRL) in October 1956. It is pseudoscience. Here’s why.
    1. If we don’t understand how θ & τ was formed, there will be no clear evidence to infer parity violation of them in weak interaction.
    2. There is no clear evidence to suggest that two sets of cobalt-60 can be transformed into symmetry by rotating in opposite directions. Similarly, the motion of two hydrogen atoms – electrons around the nucleus – may not necessarily be symmetrical at the same time, even via reverse rotation.
    Undoubtedly, the inference of parity violation in weak interaction is pseudoscience.
    Yours sincerely,
    Bao-hua ZHANG

    Here is the Reply from PRL:
    Your manuscript has been considered. We regret to inform you that we have concluded that it is not suitable for publication in any APS journal.

  40. Bao-hua ZHANG | June 1, 2023 at 9:15 pm | Reply

    An Arduous Project to Fight Against Pseudoscience

    Second Open Letter to Physical Review Letters and Reviews of Modern Physics

    Dear Editor
    The mathematics had clearly told us that the topological vortex gravitational field can evolve into a complex space-time structure from the cusp singularity. From accretion disks to quantum spins, countless facts show that the interaction and balance of topological vortex gravitational fields are indispensable in the formation and evolution of cosmic matter.
    However, Physical Review Letters and Reviews of Modern Physics have been insisting on the wrong understanding, developing wantonly towards pseudoscience. Wrong world outlook and scientific outlook may mislead one generation, even several generations.
    Topological vortex and its twin anti-vortex exhibit parity conservation (P), charge conjugation (C) and time reversal (T) symmetry. The physical real mirror image of nature can be exist between the topological vortex and its twin anti-vortex, not must be between the high-dimensional space-time matters formed by their interaction.
    It is meaningless to discuss the CP of two particles (or things) that are not mirror images of each other. This type of discussion is full of deception and misleading. Its absurd aspect lies in:
    1. Firstly, subjectively determine that two particles (or things) are mirror images of each other.
    2. Subsequently, experimental detection revealed that the two particles (or things) are asymmetric.
    The experiment showed that the previous subjective determination was incorrect. According to common sense, it should be concluded that the two particles (or things) are not mirror images of each other.
    However, Physical Review Letters and Reviews of Modern Physics did not do so. Their conclusion is:
    The two particles (or things) that are mirror images of each other are asymmetric.
    This blatant sophistry and misleading behavior is undoubtedly a desecration to the scientific spirit and public wisdom.
    Best wishes to you,
    Bao-hua ZHANG

    Here is the Reply from Physical Review Letters:
    Your letter has been considered. We regret to inform you that we have concluded that it is not suitable for publication in any APS journal.

    Here is the Reply from Reviews of Modern Physics:
    We judged that manuscript to be unsuitable for consideration by any journal in the Physical Review–Reviews of Modern Physics collection. It does not change our conclusion, and we will not consider it. I now must ask you kindly not to communicate with us further about this matter.

    Their position of holding together to keep warm and maintain pseudoscience is clear. The so-called peer review of Physical Review Letters and Reviews of Modern Physics, has become a widely recognized joke. The awards, honors, and so-called scientific events related to them are full of greed and hypocrisy.

    • Bao-hua ZHANG | June 10, 2023 at 1:47 am | Reply

      Research misconduct has reduced today’s physics to the realm of God, angels, and cats.

      • Bao-hua ZHANG | June 30, 2023 at 5:41 am | Reply

        According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, the material world is a whole of interactions and connections. The change of symmetry is always the Symmetry-Readjusted, not the Symmetry-Broken. Any physical phenomenon observed in scientific research will not be its entirety, falsifiable is more important than confirmation. Perhaps one day, humans will truly understand the immense power of symmetry.

  41. Bao-hua ZHANG | June 2, 2023 at 5:31 pm | Reply

    The following text is generated by the Bing Chat AI.

    Topological vortex gravitational field theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to explain the behavior of gravitational fields using topological vortices. Topological vortices are a type of topological defect that can occur in certain physical systems, including superfluids and superconductors. In the context of gravitational fields, topological vortices are thought to arise due to the curvature of spacetime, and they may be responsible for phenomena such as gravitational waves and the formation of black holes. The theory suggests that these vortices can interact and combine in complex ways, leading to the formation of more complex structures in the gravitational field. While still a developing area of research, topological vortex gravitational field theory shows promise for providing a deeper understanding of the fundamental nature of gravity and its interactions with other physical phenomena.

  42. Bao-hua ZHANG | June 8, 2023 at 4:38 pm | Reply

    Under the framework of topological vortex gravitational fields, the boundary between science and Pseudoscience is clear at a glance. The so-called academic journals and scientific associations should have a better understanding of shame, hypocrisy, and greed than the public.

  43. Bao-hua ZHANG | June 15, 2023 at 8:44 pm | Reply

    An Arduous Project to Fight Against Pseudoscience (Part Two)

    One Open Letter to Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

    Dear Editor
    A paper called “Question of Parity Conservation in Weak Interactions”. Which published by Physical Review Letters (PRL) in October 1956. It is pseudoscience. Here’s why.
    1. If we don’t understand how θ & τ was formed, there will be no clear evidence to infer parity violation of them in weak interaction.
    2. There is no clear evidence to suggest that two sets of cobalt-60 can be transformed into symmetry by rotating in opposite directions. Similarly, the motion of two hydrogen atoms – electrons around the nucleus – may not necessarily be symmetrical at the same time, even via reverse rotation.
    Undoubtedly, the inference of parity violation in weak interaction is pseudoscience.
    However, here is an introduction to CP violations by PNAS (Physicists dig deep to seek the origin of matter | https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1908959116.)
    If CP-symmetry is not violated, then the matter and antimatter that would have been produced in equal amounts in the early universe would have been annihilated, leaving behind only radiation, whereas theories with CP-violation can explain why, as the universe evolved, a little more matter survived than antimatter, and that makes up the matter we see.
    Still, the amount of violation is not enough to explain the excess of matter. So, physicists have begun looking for CP-violation in other classes of particles, such as leptons, the group which includes electrons and neutrinos, among others.
    Who told PNAS that a ittle more matter survived than antimatter, is it God?
    Yours sincerely,
    Bao-hua ZHANG

    Here is the Reply from PNAS:
    Thank you for submitting your Letter to the Editor for publication in PNAS. This is now the third letter you’ve submitted for consideration to our journal with same title and the same issues we noted to you previously. As we said, letters submitted to our journal must respond to manuscripts published at PNAS in the last six months. Your letter does not respond to any manuscripts published with PNAS in the last 6 months and we must reject your submitted letter for this reason.
    We appreciate your interest in PNAS and encourage you to submit in the future. If you have any questions about the submission requirements, please feel free to contact our office.

    This reply is very standard and elegant.
    PNAS is neither a hypocrite nor a spokesman for the Pseudoscience community, and was just claiming that a little more matter survived than antimatter.
    Sorry, your questions are outdated in PNAS’s rules.

    Today’s physics has long been in line with theology rather than science, which is the vilest and unforgettable era in the history of human science. It deceives and mocks the wisdom of the public, which can be described as unprecedented.

    • Bao-hua ZHANG | July 9, 2023 at 3:39 am | Reply

      Topological vortex and its antivortex always appear in pairs. Mathematics does not support that a little more vortex than its antivortex. What is the basis for contemporary physics to believe that vortex and its antivortex must not be matter and its antimatter?
      In the scientific research, falsifiable is more important than confirmation.

  44. Bao-hua ZHANG | June 16, 2023 at 10:25 pm | Reply

    According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, symmetry is mathematics, a natural creation, and asymmetry is a local manifestation of symmetric in interaction. If there is God’s creation of the world, then symmetry is God.

  45. Bao-hua ZHANG | June 17, 2023 at 3:07 am | Reply

    Topological phase transition can be the indication of parity conservation. It may indicate that”God” is really not”left-handed”. The query, debate, countless attempts and amendments go on and on. Perhaps the day will come after all, in which man can truly understand and realize the great power of symmetry.

  46. Bao-hua ZHANG | June 18, 2023 at 2:54 am | Reply

    Planck length and time are Pseudoscience. According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, the essence of time is the rotation of topological vortex, which is both absolute and relative. Therefore, spatiotemporal motion is both continuous and discontinuous.

  47. Bao-hua ZHANG | June 20, 2023 at 8:48 pm | Reply

    An Arduous Project to Fight Against Pseudoscience (Part Three)

    One Open Letter to Science

    Dear Editor
    I’m sorry to bother you.
    Mathematics is known as the language of science. The mathematics had clearly told us that the topological vortex gravitational field can evolve into a complex space-time structure from the cusp singularity. From accretion disks to quantum spins, countless facts show that the interaction and balance of topological vortex gravitational fields are indispensable in the formation and evolution of cosmic matter.
    However, contemporary physics has always regarded understanding as muddle headed, starting from the top-level design and developing wantonly towards pseudoscience.
    A paper called “Question of Parity Conservation in Weak Interactions”. Which published by Physical Review Letters (PRL) in October 1956. It is pseudoscience. Here’s why.
    1. If we don’t understand how θ & τ was formed, there will be no clear evidence to infer parity violation of them in weak interaction.
    2. There is no clear evidence to suggest that two sets of cobalt-60 can be transformed into symmetry by rotating in opposite directions. Similarly, the motion of two hydrogen atoms – electrons around the nucleus – may not necessarily be symmetrical at the same time, even via reverse rotation.
    Undoubtedly, the inference of CP violation in weak interaction is pseudoscience.
    The author had written multiple letters to so-called academic journals such as Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Physical Review Letters (PRL), Reviews of Modern Physics, etc, pointing out that the CP violation is a pseudoscience. They all have been persistently refusing and avoiding this topic.
    symmetry is mathematics, a natural creation, and asymmetry is a local manifestation of symmetric in interaction. If there is God’s creation of the world, then symmetry is God.
    Science must seek truth from facts and not tolerate any falsehood. The violation of CP symmetry enables physicists to make an absolute distinction between matter and antimatter, which is a pseudoscience misled by the superficial phenomena of facts. The misconception poses a huge dilemma for today’s physics. That make the origin of the asymmetry of matter and antimatter come one of the most challenging problems in particle physics and cosmology.
    The inference of CP-violation can explain why a little more matter survived than antimatter. Which leads to many established and ongoing research projects are destined to have no expected results or end up via interpreting it in an incorrect way. The Nobel Prize and some scientific association were misled by the fallacies, so that many awards were awarded to pseudoscience.
    Scientific research can be to imagine and guess, but it should not be reckless so as to seriously deviate from nature and the essence of science.
    If physical science misrepresents and deviates from mathematics seriously, can it still be called science?
    Science must accept being questioned and debated in order to progress and develop. Science is a member of important impact academic journal. The author hope that Science will take on the responsibility corresponding to its own name, guide the public to debate whether local asymmetry can indicate CP violation.
    In the development and progress of science, falsification is more important than confirmation.
    Best wishes for you,
    Bao-hua ZHANG

    Here is the Reply from Science:
    Thank you for submitting your manuscript “Three Open Letters to Science” to Science. Unfortunately, this is not the sort of work that we publish and we are thus not considering it for publication. We appreciate your interest in Science.

    The popularization of scientific knowledge has a long way to go. It is an arduous project to fight against pseudoscience. In particular, so-called academic journals, such as Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Physical Review Letters (PRL), Reviews of Modern Physics, Science, etc, should not be kidnapped by pseudo-academic groups, and are not only the spokesman of Pseudoscience, but also the guardian.

  48. Bao-hua ZHANG | June 20, 2023 at 11:43 pm | Reply

    The physical phenomena observed in scientific research are often not complete. Symmetry-Broken is pseudoscience misled by the local manifestation in interactions of symmetric. In the scientific research, falsification is more important than confirmation.

    • Bao-hua ZHANG | June 22, 2023 at 6:26 am | Reply

      According to the gravitational field theory of topological vortices, the interaction and balance between topological vortices are the adjustment of system symmetry, not system symmetry breaking. Symmetry-Readjusted is more in line with natural laws than Symmetry-Broken.
      It is vital for scientific research to explore and understand how the symmetry of the system is adjusted and causes local symmetry changes (so-called Symmetry-Broken).

  49. Bao-hua ZHANG | June 20, 2023 at 11:53 pm | Reply

    In the scientific research, falsifiable is more important than confirmation.

  50. Bao-hua ZHANG | June 21, 2023 at 6:32 pm | Reply

    Space is unbounded forever, meaning that any point in space is the center of space. Topological vortex is the point defect in space. According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, with the perfect fluid as the background, spatiotemporal motion is the interaction of countless topological vortex fields.
    Therefore, the essence of time is the rotation of topological vortex, it is a circular arrow, although it has only one direction, any point on the ring can be the beginning and end.
    Each topological vortex field has its own spin period. As a result, time is both absolute and relative in the interaction of topological vortices.

    • Bao-hua ZHANG | June 21, 2023 at 6:48 pm | Reply

      Perfect fluid does not actually exist in nature, but sometimes used research for fluid flow problems.

  51. Bao-hua ZHANG | June 27, 2023 at 12:26 am | Reply

    The material world is a whole of interactions and connections. Any physical phenomenon observed in scientific research will not be its entirety.

    • Bao-hua ZHANG | June 28, 2023 at 4:48 pm | Reply

      The reason why humans are great is because they are good at creating wealth with their thoughts. In the face of ideas and wealth, compared to humans, lower animals always see only physical objects and bread. Fighting against Pseudoscience is related to the fate of human society in the future world.

      • Bao-hua ZHANG | July 1, 2023 at 3:20 am | Reply

        Physical Review Letters and Reviews of Modern Physics sing in unison, and practice the most blatant shamelessness in the history of physics through practical actions.

  52. Bao-hua ZHANG | July 1, 2023 at 8:20 pm | Reply

    Physics must face up to the problem of gravity, otherwise, it is easy to fall into the quagmire of Pseudoscience.

  53. Bao-hua ZHANG | July 4, 2023 at 2:02 am | Reply

    Gravitation is the beginning of all things, and is the most raw power for maintaining and connecting the world. According to the modern discoveries in physics, fundamental forces and elementary particles can be written in terms of a pair of physical and virtual fields. The topological vortex gravitational fields perfectly reflect the exact symmetry under the simultaneous transformation of parity conservation (P), charge conjugation (C) and time reversal (T). They may be the gravitons that physics has been looking for. Topologically trivial (N=0) graviton pairs undergo Kelvin motion, while nontrivial (N=±1) graviton pairs behave a rotational motion around a fixed guiding center. The point defects in the bifurcation processes of the graviton pairs generate or annihilate at the limit points, and encounter, split or merge at the bifurcation points of the 3-dimensional vector order parameter, and form unstable point defects system.

  54. Bao-hua ZHANG | July 7, 2023 at 4:55 pm | Reply

    According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, no particle can be independent from the world. The particles observed in scientific research activitys are never all of them. Asymmetry is a local manifestation of symmetric and its interaction. Symmetry is a fundamental part of geometry, nature, and shapes. It creates patterns that help us organize our world conceptually. If there is God’s creation of the world, then symmetry is God.
    Pseudoscience is very popular in academic circles, there are not many experimental results that can receive scientific evaluation.

  55. Bao-hua ZHANG | July 7, 2023 at 5:51 pm | Reply

    An Arduous Project to Fight Against Pseudoscience (Part Four)

    One Open Letter to Nature

    Dear Editor
    A paper called “Question of Parity Conservation in Weak Interactions”. Which published by Physical Review Letters (PRL) in October 1956. It is pseudoscience. Here’s why.
    1.If we don’t understand how θ & τ was formed, there will be no clear evidence to infer parity violation of them in weak interaction.
    2.There is no clear evidence to suggest that two sets of cobalt-60 can be transformed into symmetry by rotating in opposite directions. Similarly, the motion of two hydrogen atoms – electrons around the nucleus – may not necessarily be symmetrical at the same time, even via reverse rotation.
    Undoubtedly, the inference of CP violation in weak interaction is pseudoscience.
    The author had written multiple letters to so-called academic journals such as Physical Review Letters (PRL), Reviews of Modern Physics, Science, etc, pointing out CP violation is pseudoscience. They all have been persistently refusing and avoiding this topic.
    Science must accept being questioned and debated in order to progress and develop. Nature is one of the important impact academic journal. The author hopes Nature can guide the public in debating to the CP violation, so as to set the record straight.
    Yours sincerely,
    Bao-hua ZHANG

    Here is the Reply from Nature:
    In the present case, while CP violation is pseudoscience may well prove stimulating to others’ thinking about such questions, we are unable to conclude that the work provides the sort of firm advance in general understanding.

    Today’s science has long been in line with pseudoscience and theology rather than science, which is the vilest and unforgettable era. It deceives and mocks the wisdom of the public, do cheekiness things openly and unscrupulously, which can be described as unprecedented in the history of human science.
    The so-called peer review of the pseudo-scholarship journal (such as Physical Review Letters, Reviews of Modern Physics, Science, Nature, etc) had become a widely recognized joke. They unite to ban scientific ideas, which highlights the dirty soul inherent in these Pseudo-scholarship journals. The awards, honors, and so-called scientific events related to them are full of greed and hypocrisy.

  56. Bao-hua ZHANG | July 8, 2023 at 5:17 am | Reply

    Principles of the Theory of Vortex Gravitation.
    The developed theory proves that a universal vortex motion, along with the pressure variation in a space continuum called ether, is actually the source of the universal gravitation and creation of celestial bodies and their motion in the Universe. Calculations of the gravitation forces are carried out on the basis of the laws of mechanics of continua and (or) aerodynamics with the use of the Navier-Stokes equations. As a result of the solution, an algebraic formula for the gravitation forces is obtained. The reliability of this formula is supported by its conformity to the astronomical data, and also to the Newton empirical formula for universal gravitation. The main advantage of the proposed theory is that, on the basis of it, it is possible to explain all the phenomena and laws observed in the cosmic space, viz.: motion of celestial bodies; mutual closing and moving away of galaxies; an origin of celestial bodies, black holes, and the Universe as a whole; the nature of gravity; the speed of gravitation; the strengths of magnetic fields of celestial bodies, etc.

    • Bao-hua ZHANG | July 8, 2023 at 6:27 am | Reply

      Perfect fluid (such as ether, it was assumed to be weightless, transparent, frictionless, undetectable chemically or physically, and literally permeating all matter and space) does not actually exist in nature, but sometimes used research for fluid flow problems.
      Mathematics describes the principles of vortex gravitation. Topology reveal that vortices are created by symmetry.

      • Bao-hua ZHANG | July 24, 2023 at 4:01 pm | Reply

        Topological vortex batteries are the direction of future energy for human society. Whoever has mastered the vortex battery may have mastered the future of human society.

  57. Bao-hua ZHANG | July 29, 2023 at 10:13 pm | Reply

    According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, gravitation is the source of all things and the most essential force to maintain and connect the world. Symmetry is only shown between topological vortices and their twin anti-vortices, not between the high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter formed after their interaction.
    It is unrealistic to find symmetry between high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter. topological vortex gravitational fields perfectly reflect the exact symmetry under the simultaneous transformation of parity conservation (P), charge conjugation (C) and time reversal (T). They can be the gravitons that physics has been looking for. CP violation is the most magnificent farce created by Physical Review Letters in the history of science.
    Science will eventually return to the right track, and it will not change due to the misleading nature of the Physical Review Letters.

  58. Bao-hua ZHANG | August 8, 2023 at 12:27 am | Reply

    Dao Lang’s new song “Luochahai City” has become popular, and can the lyrics be understood by today’s physics? Can the academic community understand the implied meaning that the Mahu is also a bird is a fundamental problem for us humans (at the end of the song) ? The ugliness and chaos conveyed by the lyrics are worse in academia than in the entertainment industry.

  59. Bao-hua ZHANG | August 12, 2023 at 4:09 am | Reply

    Under the framework of topological vortex gravitational field, everything described by quantum mechanics will no longer be mysterious. Schrödinger’s cat essentially used high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter to analogize low-dimensional spatiotemporal matter, which is extremely wrong and irresponsible. This behavior can easily lead physics towards theology and pseudoscience.

  60. Bao-hua ZHANG | August 14, 2023 at 4:42 pm | Reply

    Low dimensional spatiotemporal matter is the foundation of high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter. Topological vortices are point defects in two-dimensional spacetime. Point defects do not only impact the thermodynamic properties, but are also central to kinetic processes. According to the topological vortex gravity field theory, vortex gravity is the source of all things and the most essential force that maintains and connects the world.
    Vortex gravity can exist or not. When vortex gravity does not exist, it can be accurate to zero. If vortex gravity exists, it can be infinitely large or infinitely small depending on the speed of rotation or the number of turns
    Only by specifying specific field points and conditions, and obtaining constants under specific conditions through experiments, can it be possible to balance the influence of hidden vortex variables and obtain specific values of gravity. Any act or attempt to obtain accurate values of all gravity from nature is extremely absurd and ridiculous.

  61. In today’s physics and so-called science, the understanding of microscopic particles is mostly limited to spheres. However, mathematics does not tell us that the basic structure of matter must be spherical, but it can be two-dimensional. Topological vortices are point defects in two-dimensional spacetime. Point defects do not only impact the thermodynamic properties, but are also central to kinetic processes. According to topological vortex gravitational field theory, the interactions and balances of topological vortex fields cover all short-distance and long-distance contributions, and are the basis of the formation and evolution of cosmic matter. Understanding how topological vortices interact with each other is more conducive to a scientific understanding of the so-called symmetry breaking.
    Symmetry is essential for solving problems or delving further into research. It is hard to imagine that much progress could have been made in deducing the laws of nature without the existence of certain symmetries in the irregular initial conditions. Symmetry principles dictate the form of the laws of nature.

  62. Bao-hua ZHANG | August 22, 2023 at 6:12 pm | Reply

    Mathematics is known as the language of science. Any assumption or speculation that deviates from mathematics, regardless of who or what institution it comes from, is considered pseudoscience.
    The most absurd aspect of contemporary physics and so-called science lies in imagining elementary particles as spheres and analogizing quantum with cats.
    Mathematics does not tell us that the basic structure of matter must be spherical, but it can be a point defect. Point defects do not only impact the thermodynamic properties, but are also central to kinetic processes. Topological vortices are point defects in two-dimensional spacetime.Understanding how topological vortices interact with each other is more conducive to a scientific understanding of the Low dimensional spatiotemporal material structure that can be the basic understructure of microscopic particles.

  63. Bao-hua ZHANG | August 23, 2023 at 4:38 pm | Reply

    Low dimensional spatiotemporal matter is the basic underlying structure of high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter. So far, relativity and quantum mechanics are the most successful theories for describing the essence of spacetime. If the so-called elementary particles and microscopic particles are high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter, rather than low-dimensional spatiotemporal matter, then using relativity and quantum mechanics to explain certain characteristics of elementary particles and microscopic particles may confuse people and potentially fall into the quagmire of pseudoscience.
    Today’s physics and so-called science have been racing along this path, and they are unrepentant. This strange appearance sounds grand, but in fact, it is shameless.
    It’s really heartbreaking.

    • It is shameless or shameful. I don’t know. Perhaps, as the Luochahai City sings, the ugliness and dirtiness of academia may be worse than those of the entertainment industry.

  64. According to topological vortex gravitational field theory, many things are unobservable by humans. Humans should accept the fact that scientific experiments are limited by nature.
    The task of particle physics is to use two-dimensional topological vortices to construct high-dimensional spatiotemporal structures that are beneficial for human society’s production, life, and survival, rather than searching around for so-called God particles.

  65. Low dimensional spatiotemporal matter is the basic underlying structure of high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter. Topological vortices are point defects in two-dimensional spacetime. Point defects do not only impact the thermodynamic properties, but are also central to kinetic processes.
    According to topological vortex gravitational field theory, quantum entanglement is the radiation effect of particles based on topological vortex interactions. This effect can occur simultaneously, in multiple places, and at multiple points.
    One of the tasks of today’s science is to use these point defects to construct high-dimensional spatiotemporal structures that are beneficial for human production, life, and survival, rather than searching around for so-called God particles.
    The dirty body beneath the glamorous appearance of contemporary physics should have been treated thoroughly long ago.

  66. Relativity and quantum mechanics are the most successful theories to date in describing spacetime. Low dimensional spatiotemporal matter is the foundation of high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter. Topological vortices are two-dimensional spatiotemporal point defects. Point defects do not only impact the thermodynamic properties, but are also central to kinetic processes. It is extremely absurd and shameless to use a cat in high-dimensional spacetime to compare low dimensional spacetime point defects. The email response from the so-called peer review to me is even more absurd and shameless. When appropriate, I will comment one by one on my blog.

  67. From the cosmic accretion disk to quantum spin, the vortex field is evident to all. The interaction and equilibrium of topological vortices cover all long-distance and short-distance contributions to spatiotemporal motion. Balance is the foundation of the evolution of the motion of matter in the universe.
    Symmetry is essential for solving problems or delving further into research. It is hard to imagine that much progress could have been made in deducing the laws of nature without the existence of certain symmetries in the irregular initial conditions. Symmetry principles dictate the form of the laws of nature.
    According to the theory of topological vortex gravitational field, strictly speaking, quantum mechanics describes one of the ways in which topological vortices interact with each other, rather than being limited to the interactions of so-called quantum, light, etc. For example, the Schrödinger equation is also applicable to describing the motion of certain celestial bodies, which is one of the forms of long-range topological vortex interactions.

  68. One comment questioning, “Topological vortex can be infinitely large or infinitely small”, how does this assertion cohere with the “Topological vortices are points with spin in 2D fields.”?
    The meaning of these two sentences is that topological vortices are points with spin in 2D fields, and the range involved in spinning around this point can be infinitely large or infinitely small. The topic involves the formation and superposition of topological vortices.
    There is an interesting article. There is a description in it. There’s a spinning field, and that field is what gives rise to particles. Sebens asserts, in a way, Pauli and Lorentz were half-right: there isn’t a spinning particle.
    They are all only half right. Because, according to topological vortex gravitational field theory, the spin field generates particles, celestial bodies, or physical structures through interactions, where the particles, celestial bodies, or physical structures can be rotating or non rotating.
    If readers are interested, the article may be helpful for you to think about spin.

  69. Although my English is poor, I think my expression that topological vortex can be infinitely large or infinitely smallis already very clear.
    The statement is based on facts. Topological vortices may exist, or may not exist. If a vortex exists, its rotational speed and range may be infinitely large or infinitely small. If a vortex does not exist, its rotational speed and range can be precise to zero. The topic involves the formed environment and superposition of vortex formation.
    If you are really interested in science, you can browse

    If you are like so-called academic journals (such as PRL, PNAS, Sciences, etc) firmly believe in:
    1. Even without understanding how θ & τ were formed, it can be concluded that they are CP violations.
    2. Even if two objects (such as cobalt-60) that rotate in opposite directions are asymmetrical, they are still two objects that mirror each other.
    Please stay away from here. Science is no longer with you. Stupid and stubborn had made you unaware of dirt and ugliness.

  70. A comment questioning,“Topological vortices are points with spin in two-dimensional field. They are the natural gravitational field.” What does the Author intended to convey?
    The expression of this sentence is already very clear. Rotation and spin are two different concepts. Rotation can be active or passive. However, spin is an active behavior and an inherent behavior of topological vortices. The only way to terminate and change the rotation of topological vortices is by superposition.
    A vortex centered around the sun is not defined by the presence of planets in the solar system. Even if you remove all the planets in the solar system, vortices centered around the sun still exist.Ignorance and foolishness had made so-called peer reviews almost unaware of dirt and ugliness.
    If you are really interested in science, you can browse

  71. A comment questioned, in this manuscript, the authors are trying to investigate the interactions between topological vortices. However, I don’t see any experiments, theories or simulations. The images are just screenshots.
    My manuscript discussed the synchronization of two-dimensional topological vortices. Please tell me which image you see in the manuscript is not two-dimensional. The essence of screenshots is freeze frame. The physical essence of freeze frame is synchronization. Each image in the manuscript is a synchronous of a model, a theory, and several entity two-dimensional vortices.
    How do you determine that the vortices you see in a three-dimensional spatiotemporal simulation experiment must be the result of two-dimensional material interactions? Humans must accept the fact that scientific experiments are limited by nature. Just as the physical essence of the speed of light in Relativity is the synchronization of two events in a rigid body. There is no time difference in synchronization. In today’s physics, any observed speed of light with time difference in experiments is not the physical essence of the speed of light described by Relativity.
    How do you ensure that the speed of light you measure is not disturbed by dark matter or dark energy between two points? How do you understand that the speed of light described by Relativity is independent of the reference frame?
    Physics must synchronize with mathematics in order to scientifically understand the physical essence of natural phenomena, rather than blindly imagining them. If you are like so-called academic journals (such as PRL, PNAS, Sciences, etc) firmly believe in:
    1. Even without understanding how θ & τ were formed, it can be concluded that they are CP violations.
    2. Even if two objects (such as cobalt-60) that rotate in opposite directions are asymmetrical, they are still two objects that mirror each other.
    Please stay away from here. Science is no longer with you. Ignorance and foolishness had made so-called peer reviews almost unaware of dirt and ugliness.

    • Mathematics is definitely a science. However, the so-called facts observed in physics experiments may not necessarily be scientific. Facts may make you believe in God, but mathematics does not.
      Please tell me. Which of the two-dimensional materials you observed in the experiment or the two-dimensional images in mathematics is the true two-dimensional?
      Humans must accept the fact that scientific experiments are limited by nature.

      • Physics must focus on the commonalities between geometric shapes and physical reality, rather than just relying on a few formulas or numbers to talk nonsense and indulge oneself. Mathematical formulas alone cannot perfectly present the tangible physical world.

  72. An Arduous Project to Fight Against Pseudoscience (Part Five)

    Here is a Reply from a so-called academic journal.
    Thank you for your submission to my journal. Our team has decided it does not meet the criteria for publication.
    Any work published in my journal must be of a high standard and of scientific interest. It is also necessary for your manuscript to make a contribution to the literature. On this occasion, we did not feel that this was the case.

    Topology is a science that truly describes nature. Topological figures not only show the beauty of mathematics, but also change the way people understand nature. Research on it can greatly expand the boundaries of human cognition.
    “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” This is great quotes in science. It comes from Albert Einstein. It suggests that the movement of fundamental understructure in cosmos should be simpler and simpler. Point can be the most concise physical structure in cosmos.
    Topological vortices are point defects in spacetime. Although the spin of topological vortex is beyond doubt, the so-called academic journal team still firmly believe in topological vortex cannot form gravitational forces centered around point defects.
    The high standard and scientific interest of them are that they can imagine without mathematics, and can delude without facts. Just as the so-called academic journals (such as PRL, PNAS, Sciences, etc) firmly believe in:
    1.Even without understanding how θ & τ were formed, it can be concluded that they are CP violations.
    2.Even if two objects (such as cobalt-60) that rotate in opposite directions are asymmetrical, they are still two objects that mirror each other.
    Stupid and stubborn had made the so-called academic journal team almost unaware of dirt and ugliness.
    Today’s physics deceives and mocks the wisdom of the public, do cheekiness things openly and unscrupulously, which can be described as unprecedented in the history of human science.

  73. One comment provides sincere advice to the author. Please change reference [9] to appropriate one. There are lot of books and review articles on this topic. I will advise against the use of wiki page as reference cannot be used as scientific reference.
    Thank you very much to this reviewer.
    However, are the so-called academic journals, editors, and peer-review recommended literature necessarily scientific references?
    The so-called academic journals firmly believe that even without understanding how θ & τ were formed, it can be concluded that they are CP violations. Is it scientific?
    The so-called academic journals firmly believe that even if two objects (such as cobalt-60) that rotate in opposite directions are asymmetrical, they are still two objects that mirror each other. Is it scientific?
    The so-called academic journals, editors, and peer-review (such as PRL, PNAS, Sciences, Nature, etc) oppose to discuss the aforementioned topics. Are they honest?
    Their absurd theory leads to absurd scientific research behavior, which has been ongoing. They flaunt themselves for being able to live in the world of God, cats, and angels. Are they noble?
    The so-called academic journals, editors, and scholar deceives and mocks the wisdom of the public can be described as unprecedented in the history of human science.

  74. Mathematics is the language in which humans has written the universe.
    Mathematics is definitely a science. However, the so-called facts observed in physics experiments may not necessarily be scientific. The so-called facts observed in physics experiments may lead physics to believe in God, cats, and angels, but mathematics does not.
    Please inform the public. Which of the two-dimensional materials you observed in the physics experiment or the two-dimensional images in mathematics is the true two-dimensional?
    Humans must accept the fact that scientific experiments are limited by nature. Topological vortices are a point defects. Point defects do not only impact the thermodynamic properties, but are also central to kinetic processes. Physics must synchronize with mathematics via topological vortex gravitational fields in order to truly recognized and understand the world we live and see.
    Any assumptions, speculations, and delusions that deviate or distort mathematics, regardless of who or what institution they come from, are considered pseudoscience. The dirtiness and ugliness of physics today are already breathtaking.

  75. One comment states:
    Fig4.a-d taken from reference [6] thus should be properly acknowledged.
    Fig4.e is taken from reference [1] thus should be acknowledged.
    These are the two articles that were severely criticized by my manuscript.
    Please inform the public, which of the so-called two-dimensional materials observed in physical experiments or two-dimensional images in mathematics is the true two-dimensional? Why may the so-called two-dimensional surfaces observed in experiments exhibit different colors? Is the so-called two-dimensional surface observed in the experiment necessarily absolutely smooth? How do you ensure that the results you observe are not affected by other factors?
    Mathematics is definitely a science. However, the facts you believe in may not necessarily be scientific. Facts may make you hallucinate, may make you believe in God, but mathematics does not.
    Humans must accept the fact that scientific experiments are limited by nature. Physics must synchronize with mathematics via topological vortex gravitational fields in order to truly recognized and understand the world we live and see.

  76. Mathematics is the language in which humans has written the cosmos. Mathematicians associate topology as a distinct field of mathematics. Topological figures not only show the beauty of mathematics, but also change the way people understand nature. Research on it can greatly expand the boundaries of human cognition.
    The topological vortex mathematical model is not only a theory, but also a physical display of two-dimensional matter. It is difficult to observe real two-dimensional topological vortices in the high-dimensional spatiotemporal physical world.
    Humans must accept the fact that scientific experiments are limited by nature.

  77. One comment:
    “Topological vortices are the natural gravitational field.” What does the Author intended to convey?
    Spin is one of the fundamental characteristics of topological vortices.
    Due to the complex interactions of topological vortex fields, topological bifurcation is formed, which is the foundation for the formation and evolution of high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter. Without the help of high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter floating in the topological vortex field, it is difficult to observe the locus of two-dimensional topological vortex rotation in high-dimensional space-times. From cosmic accretion disks to microscopic particles, this is the case. The gravitational force formed by vortex fields is ubiquitous. This is the world we live and see today, including ourselves.

  78. According to the theory of topological vortex gravitational field, symmetry is only manifestes itself between the topological vortex gravitational field and its twin anti-vortex gravitational field, and not the high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter formed by their interaction. Any symmetry measured in high-dimensional spacetime can only be called approximate, not accurate. This is also one of the applicable ranges of the uncertainty principle.

  79. One comment points out that the sentence “The law of nature is that the more means different” lacks meaning.
    ‘More Is Different’ is a banner of condensed matter physics.
    1. Symmetry is extremely important in physics. However, the more symmetries there are, the more differences there will be.
    2. Even if the overall state of a system is symmetric, its internal structure may be asymmetric. For example, a single vortex gravitational field.
    According to topological vortex gravitational field theory, any system only needs to have the symmetry of the point defects that make up the system. The more point defects, the more complex the symmetry.

    • Today’s physics has entered the dirtiest and ugliest era in the history of human science. They humiliate the public’s wisdom in a grand and dignified manner, without any shame.

      • Bao-hua ZHANG | October 1, 2023 at 4:58 pm | Reply

        One of the dirtiest and ugliest aspects of contemporary physics is that they almost forget the commonalities between geometric shapes, such as points, lines, and surfaces, and physical reality. They hardly consider the impact of synchronous effects between points, lines, and surfaces on physical reality, but indulge in the delusion of having only a few formulas or a few numbers. The so-called academic journals (such as as PRL, PNAS, Sciences, Nature, etc) firmly believe in:
        1.Even without understanding how θ & τ were formed, it can be concluded that they are CP violations.
        2.Even if two objects (such as cobalt-60) that rotate in opposite directions are asymmetrical, they are still two objects that mirror each other.
        The so-called academic journals are manipulated by pseudo scholars groups. They humiliate the public’s wisdom in a grand and dignified manner, are neither scientific nor honest.

        • Bao-hua ZHANG | October 4, 2023 at 4:56 pm | Reply

          Physics must focus on the commonalities between geometric shapes and physical reality, rather than just relying on a few formulas or a few numbers to indulge in delusions.
          Topological vortices are point defects in spacetime. Point defects do not only impact the thermodynamic properties, but are also central to kinetic processes.
          According to the theory of topological vortex gravitational field, the essence of spacetime is smooth, however, the synchronous effects of superposition, deflection, and kink between vortices, in which make spacetime becomes complex.
          The more intense the synchronous effects of topological defect, the greater the energy of the spacetime.

          • Bao-hua ZHANG | October 5, 2023 at 5:33 pm |

            we must consider synchronization and motion separately in order to truly recognize and understand the world we live in. There is no time difference in synchronizing images or scenes. Movement is the continuation of synchronized images or scenes in the past, present, or future.
            According to the theory of topological vortex gravitational field, based on the present synchronized images or scenes, with the help of memory of past synchronized images or scenes, possible future synchronized images or scenes can be predicted.

          • Bao-hua ZHANG | October 5, 2023 at 5:45 pm |

            According to the theory of topological vortex gravitational field, the only way to eliminate the energy of point defects is to move two chiral opposite vortices to the same locus, causing them to cancel out and annihilate each other via synchronization.

        • Bao-hua ZHANG | October 7, 2023 at 7:55 pm | Reply

          Physics must rely on mathematical graphics to recognized and understand the world we live and see. Instead of relying solely on a few formulas, a few numbers, or a few imagined particles to built this complex world.
          Topological vortices are point defects. Points are the most concise structures in physics and mathematics. The superposition, deflection, and kinking of topological vortex point defects form the most essential spatiotemporal graphics and structure for the evolution of material world motion.

  80. Relativity and quantum mechanics are the theories that human science has described the essence of spacetime closest to the actual situation. According to the theory of topological vortex gravitational field, relativity and quantum mechanics respectively describe the one body and two sides of topological vortex motion. One body is a topological vortex, which is a gravitational field no matter when and where. Two sides are the front and back of the topological vortex gravitational field. Observing both the front and back of the vortex simultaneously, for the observers, if they see left rotation in the front of the vortex, then what they see in the back of the vortex must be right rotation.
    This means that topological vortex is one body with both left and right rotation.

    • Quantum mechanics describes the superposition of left-handed and right-handed topological vortices, rather than the absurd idea of a simultaneously alive and dead cat.

  81. An Arduous Project to Fight Against Pseudoscience (Part Six)

    CP Violation Is Pseudoscience

    Bao-hua ZHANG

    Abstract: The origin of the asymmetry of matter and antimatter has become one of the most challenging problems in particle physics and cosmology. The reason for this is contemporary physics believes that the violation of CP symmetry enables physicists to make an absolute distinction between matter and antimatter. However, symmetries are power. For centuries, symmetries have allowed physicists to find underlying connections and fundamental relationships throughout the universe. Topological vortex and its twin anti-vortex exhibit parity conservation (P), charge conjugation (C) and time reversal (T) symmetry. Topological vortex beams with different topological charges can be orthogonal, which suggests topological vortex high-dimensional multiplexing is possible. If we don’t understand how θ & τ was formed, there will be no clear evidence to infer CP violation of them in weak interaction. CP violation is a pseudoscience that misled by the local phenomena.
    Keywords: physics; science; pseudoscience; CP violation

    The mathematics had clearly told us that the topological vortex gravitational field can evolve into a complex space-time structure from the cusp singularity. From accretion disks to quantum spins, countless facts show that the interaction and balance of topological vortex gravitational fields are indispensable in the formation and evolution of cosmic matter.
    However, contemporary physics has always regarded understanding as muddle headed and been blindly inferring from unfounded assumptions. Wrong world outlook and scientific outlook may mislead a generation, even several generations.
    Topological vortex and its twin anti-vortex exhibit parity conservation (P), charge conjugation (C) and time reversal (T) symmetry. The physical real mirror image of nature can be exist between the topological vortex and its twin anti-vortex, not must be between the high-dimensional space-time matters formed by their interaction.
    It is meaningless to discuss the CP of two particles (or things) that are not mirror images of each other. This type of discussion is full of deception and misleading. Its absurd aspect lies in:
    1. Firstly, subjectively determine that two particles (or things) are mirror images of each other.
    2. Subsequently, experimental detection revealed that the two particles (or things) are asymmetric.
    The experiment showed that the previous subjective determination was incorrect. According to common sense, it should be concluded that the two particles (or things) are not mirror images of each other.
    However, physical science today does not do so. Their conclusion is:
    The two particles (or things) that are mirror images of each other are asymmetric.
    This blatant sophistry and misleading behavior is undoubtedly lacks the spirit of science.

    I. The origin of CP violation
    A paper called “Question of Parity Conservation in Weak Interactions”. Which published by Physical Review Letters (PRL) in October 1956. In which the question of parity conservation in β decays and in hyperon and meson decays is examined. Possible experiments are suggested which might test parity conservation in these interactions.
    However, there are not clear evidence to support the inference and the possible experiments. Here’s why.
    1. If we don’t understand how θ & τ was formed, there will be no clear evidence to infer parity violation of them in weak interaction.
    2. There is no clear evidence to suggest that two sets of cobalt-60 can be transformed into symmetry by rotating in opposite directions. Similarly, the motion of two hydrogen atoms – electrons around the nucleus – may not necessarily be symmetrical at the same time, even via reverse rotation.
    Obviously, the inference of CP violation in weak interaction still needs positive evidence to support it.

    II. High-dimensional multiplexing of the topological vortices are possible
    Science must seek truth from facts and not tolerate any falsehood, especially for the most raw low dimensional space-time structure of the world, since they are the elementary understructure of high dimensional space-time material.
    In topology, a cusp singularity in space-time may evolve into vortex-antivortex (VA) pairs by topological phase transition. A topological vortex is a codimension-two defect in an ordered medium where the winding of the order parameter field about the vortex core corresponds to a non-trivial element of the fundamental groupπ1 [6, 9]. Topological vortices can be non-Abelian if the fundamental groupπ1 (M) is a non-Abelian group [9]. Optical vortices are characterized by a helical phase front and a phase singularity in the beam center, and are given a number called the topological charge according to how many twists the light does in one wavelength [7, 8, 10]. The number is always an integer and can be positive or negative [7]. Vortex beams with different topological charges can be orthogonal, which suggests that high-dimensional multiplexing is possible.
    Topological vortex is a point in 2D field, and is a natural gravitational field [5]. Observing the vortex simultaneously in front and behind of 2D field, if dextrorotation is observed in front of the vortex, then levorotation will be observed in behind of one. The superposition of both dextrorotation and levorotation, which is not only for the observers, that is the same in the interaction of vortices.
    In the space-time composed of topological vortex and its twin anti-vortex, every vortex will remains in a superposition of both dextrorotation and levorotation until they interact. Which just like Schrödinger’s cat in a superposition of both living and deceased until the box is opened.
    The interaction of topological vortices can be the precise moment do the mathematical probabilities give over to physical reality. Quantum gravity can been thoroughly understood in this way.
    Can topological vortex not be the physical reality of the Schrödinger’s cat?

    Ⅲ. The importance of symmetry
    Symmetry is a fundamental part of geometry, nature, and shapes. It creates patterns that help us organize our world conceptually [2]. Symmetry principles play an important role with respect to the laws of nature. They summarize the regularities of the laws that are independent of the specific dynamics. Thus invariance principles provide a structure and coherence to the laws of nature just as the laws of nature provide a structure and coherence to the set of events [3].
    According to that topological vortex and its twin anti-vortex are two events of a rigid body, they exhibit parity conservation (P), charge conjugation (C) and time reversal (T) symmetry, the following conclusions can be drawn:
    1.Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are correct in their respective fields. However, they must be understood correctly.
    2.String Theory may be a pseudoscience, which has no factual basis whether in the macroscopic scale of the universe or the microscopic scale of quantum. String Theory cannot explain where Gravitation comes from. If we do not know where gravitation comes from, any theoretical predictions is incomplete.
    Physics must face up to the problem of gravity, otherwise, it is easy to fall into the quagmire of Pseudoscience. The developed theory proves that a universal vortex motion, is actually the source of the universal gravitation and creation of celestial bodies and their motion in the Universe [5]. On the basis of it, it is possible to explain all the phenomena and laws observed in the cosmos [5]. The topological vortex beams with different charges can be orthogonal, which suggests that the high-dimensional multiplexing of a topological vortex gravitational field is possible.
    According to the CP violation and symmetry breaking, the origin of the asymmetry had become one of the most challenging problems in particle physics and cosmology. Sometimes we feel more in the dark than we did 100 years ago, the troubles aren’t limited to theoretical pursuits to unify the forces, puzzling particle collider results, etc.

    Since Physical Review Letters published the paper of Question of Parity Conservation in Weak Interactions, and believed that CP violation in weak interactions, more than half a century has passed,
    Today, CP violation has been viewed by contemporary physics as the key to a deeper understanding of both the behaviour of elementary particles and the Big Bang origin of the universe. Here is an introduction to the CP violations by Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
    If CP-symmetry is not violated, then the matter and antimatter that would have been produced in equal amounts in the early universe would have been annihilated, leaving behind only radiation, whereas theories with CP-violation can explain why, as the universe evolved, a little more matter survived than antimatter, and that makes up the matter we see. [1]
    There’s strong evidence that elementary particles called quarks (which constitute protons and neutrons) do violate CP-symmetry. The first indication of this came in 1964, when Val Fitch and James Cronin at the Brookhaven National Laboratory discovered violations of CP-symmetry in the decay of K-mesons, which are composed of one type of quark and another type of antiquark. Fitch and Cronin were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1980 for their efforts. [1]
    Still, the amount of violation is not enough to explain the excess of matter. So, physicists have begun looking for CP-violation in other classes of particles, such as leptons, the group which includes electrons and neutrinos, among others. [1]
    Experiments around the world are looking for signs of the charge conjugation and parity (CP) symmetry violation [4]. However, in scientific research, falsifiable is more important than confirmation. If the topological vortex and its twin anti-vortex conform to the physical characteristics of matter and anti-matter, no one believes that in topological phase transition, a little more matter survived than antimatter.
    The world is a whole of interactions and connections. The way behind CP violation is the creaky theoretical mechanism. The violation of CP symmetry enables physicists to make an absolute distinction between matter and antimatter, which poses a huge dilemma for today’s physics.
    Symmetry is power. For centuries, symmetries have allowed physicists to find underlying connections and fundamental relationships throughout the universe.
    Topological vortices are point defects in two-dimensional spacetime. Point defects do not only impact the thermodynamic properties, but are also central to kinetic processes. Under the framework of topological vortex, everything described by quantum mechanics will no longer be mysterious.
    At present, when it comes to quantum mechanics, there are always some people who are enthusiastic about using Schrödinger’s cat that uses high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter to analogize low-dimensional spatiotemporal matter, which is extremely wrong and irresponsible. This behavior may lead physics towards metaphysics, theology, and even pseudoscience.
    Low dimensional spacetime matter is the under structure of high-dimensional spacetime matter. It is believed with the improvement of theoretical level and the progress of science and technology, the understanding for the interaction of 2D matter topological vortices will usher a vast frontiers in physics.

    [1]Anil Ananthaswamy. Physicists dig deep to seek the origin of matter. Proceeedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 116 (28), 13710-13713 (2019).
    [2]Christy Knuchel. Teaching Symmetry in the Elementary Curriculum. The Mathematics Enthusiast. Vol. 1 : No. 1 , Article 2. (2004).
    [3]David J. GrossAuthors Info & Affiliations. The role of symmetry in fundamental physics. Proceeedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 93 (25), 14256-14259 (1996).
    [4]Iulia Georgescu. CP violation and beyond. Nature Reviews Physics. Volume 2, pages 120 – 122 (2020).
    [5]Orlov, S. A. Principles of the Theory of Vortex Gravitation (2004). Eprint arXiv:astro-ph/0410365.
    [6]Penglin Gao & Johan Christensen. Topological vortices for sound and light. Nature Nanotechnology. Volume 16, pages487 – 489 (2021).
    [7]Physics:Optical vortex – HandWiki.
    [8]Ren-Min Ma. Multitudes of twists. Nature Physics. 17, pages 673–674 (2021).
    [9]Toni Annala, Roberto Zamora-Zamora & Mikko Möttönen. Topologically protected vortex knots and links. Communications Physics. Volume 5, Article number: 309 (2022).
    [10]Yanke Li; Yuqing Xie; Sheng Liu & Peng Li, etc. Theoretical study of vortex beam generation based on geometric coordinate transformation. Optics and Photonics. Volume 10 (2022).

    Data Availability Statement
    All data, models, and codes generated or used during the study appear in the submitted article.

    • Physical Review Letters (PRL) has been misleading human science, humiliating public wisdom, and almost unaware of shame. It is neither scientific nor honest, and only brings vanity to certain people or groups, causing harm to science.

      • Physical characteristics of topological vortex anti-vortex (VA) pairs:
        1. Discreteness.
        2. Uncertain.
        3. correlation.
        4. Relativity.
        It is the perfect interpretation of quantum mechanics and relativity. However, today’s physics and so-called academic journals are turning a blind eye.

        • In the interaction of topological vortices, the world is an interconnected whole. Every object has its own phase field. The world maintains the state of each object in space and time through the interaction and balance of these phase fields.

        • Today’s physics is accustomed to using a cat to analogize and understand quantum. Who told the so-called academic journals that energy and motion only exist in high-dimensional spacetime? Is it God?
          It is extremely absurd and irresponsible to think about low dimensional spatiotemporal matter using high-dimensional spatiotemporal matter. Physical science has degenerated into what it is today. The so-called academic journals such as Physical Review Letters (PRL), etc bear an unshirkable responsibility. The hypocrisy, ugliness, and dirtiness of their adherence to pseudoscientific positions are incomprehensible.

      • What is quantum?
        What is quantum? This is a topic that has been troubling physics for a long time. It can be certain that quantum is not a cat that is both dead and alive.
        According to topological vortex gravitational field theory, the essence of quantum is the rotation of topological vortices. Rotation generates gravity. Rotation generates energy. Rotation generates evolution. Rotation generates time.
        At the end of spacetimes, mathematics and physics come together perfectly sia rotation.
        Every picture in spacetime is a colorful world formed by synchronous effects of topological vortices.
        CP violation does not fit into the topological spacetime lattice. Science will not change due to the misleading nature of the Physical Review Letters (PRL).
        The persistence of so-called academic journals (such as Science, Nature, PNAS, etc) towards pseudoscientific ideas will enable more people to see their pseudoscientific nature.
        Research, papers, and awards related to CP violations are already ubiquitous, each one of them is the accumulated sins of these fake academic journals.

        • The rotation of topological vortices is spin. Spin generates gravity. Spin generates energy. Spin generates evolution. Spin generates time. At the end of spacetimes, mathematics and physics come together in a perfect way via the spin of topological vortices.
          As a result, mathematics will always be the language in which physics writes about the universe. That is the interaction of topological vortices.

    • Vortex beams with different topological charges can be orthogonal, which suggests that high-dimensional multiplexing of them is possible.
      In the interaction of topological vortices, the world is an interconnected whole. Every object has its own phase field. The world maintains the state of each object in space and time through the interaction and balance of these phase fields.
      If we don’t understand how θ & τ was formed, there will be no clear evidence to infer CP violation of them in weak interaction.
      The validation test of CP violation is even more absurd and unbelievable. There is no clear evidence to suggest that two sets of cobalt-60 can be transformed into symmetry by rotating in opposite directions. This is the most basic knowledge in physics and daily life.
      Therefore, CP violation is the most shameful lie and pseudoscience in the history of science. The persistence of some people, so-called academic journals, and groups related to this pseudoscientific ideas has left the public with only their hypocrisy, filth, and ugliness.

      • According to topological vortex gravitational field theory, each gravitational source in the universe has its own phase field and interacts accordingly.

        • According to the topological vortex gravitational field theory, the time and space at the center of each vortex field are 0. Therefore, in the interaction of cosmic vortex motion, there is only relative time and space, not absolute time and space. This is true for every object in the universe, including molecules, atoms, and even smaller microparticles.
          Time Might Not Exist, it’s only half right. Please browse https://scitechdaily.com/time-might-not-exist-according-to-physicists/.

      • Low dimensional spacetime matter is the under structure of high-dimensional spacetime matter. Topological vortices are point defects in two-dimensional spacetime. Point defects do not onlyare also central to kinetic processes, but impact the thermodynamic properties.
        The rotation of point defects of topological vortices is spin. Spin generates gravitation. Spin generates energy. Spin generates evolution. Spin generates time. Point defects endow points, lines, surfaces, and bodies with energy, gravitation, time, evolution, and so on.
        The physical essence of quantum is the spin of point defects of topological vortices. Each topological vortex is a quantum clock. Starting from the topological vortices, precise timing begins. CP violation is the most shameful lie and pseudoscience in the history of science. The so-called academic journals, such as Physical Review Letters (PRL), etc, have long been isolated from science, leaving behind only hypocrisy, filth, and ugliness.
        If you are really interested in science, you can browse https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/668735960.

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