Volcanic Eruption Continues at La Palma – Effects Being Felt From Above and Below

La Palma Eruption October 2021 Annotated

October 4, 2021

Cumbre Vieja volcano is making its presence felt from above and below.

The effects of the eruption at Cumbre Vieja volcano are being felt from above and below. Tremors and small earthquakes are regularly shaking the ground, and the plume of volcanic ash rising from the summit has become persistent and occasionally more explosive. More than a thousand homes and buildings have been destroyed since the eruption began on September 19, 2021.

At 1:40 p.m. Western European Time on October 4, an astronaut aboard the International Space Station shot a photograph (above) of the south end of La Palma. The oblique camera angle provides a three-dimensional view of how the volcanic plume rises above and over low-level clouds. In the late morning on the same day, the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA’s Terra satellite acquired a false-color image (below) of the eruption with a combination of infrared, red, and green wavelengths. In the image, vegetation is red and lava flows are brown to black. Observers on the ground also captured video (above) of the volcano spewing ash on October 9 and of dramatic lava flows this week.

Cumbre Vieja Volcano Eruption October 2021 Annotated

October 4, 2021

As of the morning of October 9, the Toulouse Volcanic Ash Advisory Center declared a code red for aircraft passing through the region. Plumes were reaching 2 to 3 kilometers (1-2 miles) in altitude. The eruption has not been energetic enough to inject large amounts of ash and gases into the stratosphere, where they can have strong and lasting effects on weather and climate.

According to news reports, airborne ash has led to intermittent closures of the airports on La Palma and other Canary Islands. Air quality at ground level is episodically poor depending on the wind direction and intensity. And ash falling from the sky has coated some of La Palma’s salt flats, disrupting efforts at salt production.

In late September, scientists from the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN) suggested that the current eruption could persist for weeks to months. Cumbre Vieja last erupted about 50 years ago.

Astronaut photograph provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center. The image has been cropped and enhanced to improve contrast, and lens artifacts have been removed. NASA Earth Observatory image by Joshua Stevens, using data from NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems, and the U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team.

15 Comments on "Volcanic Eruption Continues at La Palma – Effects Being Felt From Above and Below"

  1. This dude bragging about making 12g a month and being lazy asf to get it needs his ass whooped lol Come to :
    588 37th St. Springfield,OR. 97478 For Free Teeth Removal you coward

  2. Hey Davidgadbios dang you work 1-3 hours per day? Thats a Jaw Dropping amount of time to be spent down on your knees. But hey go gett’em tiger lol

  3. Fascinating on how volcanoes work. Watching live footage gave me the “sound”, of a continuous eruption.

  4. I love you Aaron Vick your comment made me LMAO!!

  5. Weiners

  6. Not sure what it is about people being hateful and jealous of someones income simply because they don’t have to work as long and hard. As draw dropping as it is to make that kind of money in so little time, it should drive you to want to figure out how to make more if you want it that badly….not talk sh*t about him granted he needs to leave bragging about his income to himself. (If he’s being honest)

  7. Whoop Whoop
    Oregon in this Biitch!

  8. Real mature Aaron… & Why are there so many Aaron’s commenting on this article!?

  9. There is a danger of a large landslide here. Would possibly devastate East Coast of US.

  10. What REALLY scares me about this is that because of this eruption so close to the Atlantic Ocean, landslides are extremely possible and that means a tsunami or a possible mega-tsunami would destroy the eastern coast of the U.S. !THIS IS SCARY PEOPLE! I, for one, unfortunately live 10 minutes from Atlantic Ocean in Fla. This really scares me.

  11. The climate change activist should ban together to stop this volcano eruption and its lasting, devastating effects of spewing toxic gases and ash, destroying vegetation, homes, animals. Let’s go brandon

  12. We need to pour water on that sumbitch of a volcano ! 😁

  13. Melanie Hornung | October 17, 2021 at 10:50 am | Reply

    I agree that we on the eastern coast of the united states and also south America need to watch the progress of this volcano. We need to ne prepared to load up the car with necessities and gas and be ready to head to the mountains.
    “Let’s go Brandon!”

  14. I wounder if the eruption has anything to do with globe warming . Maybe we should charge the ppl a little more money cause there not causing any harm and the government needs more of my f@#k&n money off my PAYCHECK

  15. Def. too much baking soda.

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