Comments on: Opioid Crisis May Be Far Worse Than We Thought – Thousands More Lives Taken Each Year Than Reported Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Sat, 29 Feb 2020 00:06:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: katesisco Sat, 29 Feb 2020 00:06:50 +0000 This seems to have been the desired result; underreport, allow Pharma to maximize profits.
I suggest that the deceptive naming of ADHD was the first overstep, instead of truthfully admitting it to be an effect of fetal alcohol poisoning. Second, the corporates and Congress conspired to eliminate any meaningful tax revenue, third, corporates bought and sold each others stock, eliminating jobs at each resale.
Ritalin and its kick-off ‘smart drugs’ have created this opiate addiction when the alcohol sales were continued in the 75 years of Ritalin profiteering. While the US has fallen to third in global consumption behind Iceleand first and then Nigeria, Europe is succumbing fast. There is no shame that cannot be committed in profit’s name.
Do you know why some communities are pushing hard for mindfulness? Because of the Ritalin overuse in school that now has led to opiate addiction in small towns!! Isn’t that why we were shocked to see VP Pence deciding the course of this new health concern when he abandoned an Indiana town to addiction?

By: Skippy Joe Thu, 27 Feb 2020 20:13:49 +0000 Just as long as people get rich.
