Comments on: Nasal Spray Demonstrates Significant Success in Treating Depression Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 21:11:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: dr mehrdad kesiri Tue, 05 Dec 2023 21:11:06 +0000 Hello to the freedom lovers of Iran, England has dominated the mullahs of Harum Laqmeh, most of the mullahs of Iran are Harum Laqmeh, but out of ten thousand mullahs, one is a bastard like Khamenei and is very mean, ignorant and criminal.Most of those who are in the government and system of the Islamic Republic are bastards.They are not, but maybe they are a parasite of the English countries, maybe that is why the four alphabets of the English word are parasitic, it has two, two, four books, God’s work, my mother’s aunt told me one month before Mehrdad’sdeath, we are English.He said: I am one month old.I am no longer alive, but before I die, I want to teach you 20 words that are both Persian and English, and these 20 words were written by the mother of Hayat Hoz’s brother in the car, computer, elephant, kangaroo in the notebook.Jackal, giraffe, jacket, police, cigarette, soup, spinach, sugar market, saffron, lemon, aunt.My mother Nasirin Amini Ghazizadeh died exactly one month later, her husband died the next day, why does God say that the Soviet Union is Russia, but they do not accept themselves, the word Russia is not a good word in Farsi, I think thereare many words, the gods of the earth , when humans a hundred million years ago, the gods wanted to populate the earth, they decided that the language of the gods of the earth would be Persian, because it is the most accurate word in theworld.The world and most of the names of the countries that are connected to the mystery and on the map of the continent or the country or the sea, are the names that were given to people before us.It is said that they give us a message by shaping the continents and naming several countries, for example, the sea of ​​Mazandaran is like an embryo placed in a woman’s womb, and the word Mazandaran means we are men and we are women.It is in it and Mazandaran is in it.The fetus is male and female, I talked about this, anyone who has information about this, please send a short message to Doctor of Astronomy and Religions, Jahan Kathiri, Tehran, Shemiranat.dr kesiri mobil sent s m s 00989332197646 time in iran mehrdad
