Comments on: Killer Whale Conundrum: Why Are Orcas Harassing and Killing Porpoises Without Eating Them? Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Wed, 29 Nov 2023 20:30:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clyde Spencer Wed, 29 Nov 2023 20:30:08 +0000 In reply to Clyde Spencer.

That should have been “competing predators.”

By: Clyde Spencer Wed, 29 Nov 2023 20:29:04 +0000 It could also be for the same reason that African lions will, given the opportunity, kill competing competitors of all species, including their own, and not eat them. Killing a couple of leopard kittens reduces future competition.

By: Robert Anderson Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:57:30 +0000 Summer 1979 to summer 1980, the San Diego Sea World put recent captive orcas (Icelandic) in the dolphin petting pool. There were mostly bottle nose dolphins, some Pacific white sides, and a pilot whale in the pool.

Initially they put orcas in the pool one at a time. The dolphins attacked the orca. When they put 2 orcas in the pool, the orcas could successfully defend themselves against dolphin attack. Orcas and dolphins ended up “calling a truce”. The attacks stopped.

I was interacting with a dolphin, when an orca made a stealth approach and surfaced from beneath the dolphin. The orca sent the dolphin flying backwards thru the air with a flick of his head. He slid between my hands where the dolphin had been. (My 1st meeting with an orca.) Clearly the orcas still didn’t particularly respect the dolphins.

My experience was that the orcas rather assertively sought my friendship. After this 1st orca and I had interacted, all the other orcas recognized me by sight and would come right to me whenever I visited. The orcas involved, in the order I met them were: Canuck 2, Kotar, Kasatka, and Katina. It’s possible that Kandu 5 had originally been one of these orcas.

[Perhaps some 2 dozen visitors formed friendships with these orcas. A couple of us published a peer-reviewed paper on orca behavior as observed from the context of human-orca friendship. Animals 2016, 6(8), 49;

By: On Porpoise Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:18:08 +0000 There’s infinite possibilities. Maybe they’re annoying. Maybe their clicking and buzzing echolocation noises are unpleasant. Maybe they don’t understand orca noises and are in the way. Maybe they potentially carry diseases. Maybe orcas are jerks. Maybe the porpoises said unkind things about Free Willy.

Or just maybe, they both eat salmon, and compete for the same food source in the same territory.
