Comments on: Ultra-Processed Foods Linked With Heart Disease, Bowel Cancer and Death Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Mon, 19 Sep 2022 04:11:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sly Bri Wed, 07 Sep 2022 04:29:44 +0000 Do they still pressure wash the meat off the carcass to make hot dogs & chicken nuggets, bollock, eyelids & sphincters all minced up, wrapped in glutan & frozen then cooked up for your kids…surely the FREE FROM ( meat, glutan, dairy.) version is better for kids? Even though its still very processed.

By: SleepyCatzzz Tue, 06 Sep 2022 14:37:53 +0000 It makes no sense to vilify “processing”. If I make my own tomato sauce from my garden tomatoes, that is “processing”. If I cook meat or chop onions, that is “processing”. If I make zucchini slices topped with salt, pepper and a bit of Parmesan, that is “processed food”. Stop with this new spin, and peel back to the truth, which is evaluating all the chemicals, sugars, and fats in the food you eat, rather than how much processing that put them there.

By: Sydney Ross Singer Tue, 06 Sep 2022 14:20:07 +0000 They should have studied the acrylamide levels in the food, which is a neurotoxin and carcinogen. Whole foods that are heated above 248 degrees Fahrenheit develop acrylamide. So cooking method needs to be changed to boiling, steaming only.

By: Nora McArthur Tue, 06 Sep 2022 01:58:34 +0000 And in other news, tobacco can cause cancer, alcohol can cause liver damage, and not drinking enough water can cause dehydration….

By: Bill Mon, 05 Sep 2022 23:01:24 +0000 The three most important factors as to whether anyone developes heart disease are: 1. Genetics. 2. Genetics. 3. Genetics. What kind of foods you eat might be on the list, but it’s way down it in terms of whether someone develops heart disease or not. Talk to a Cardiologist. I have. Multiple Cardiologists. I am 59. My first, and only, stent was placed when I was 39. My diet back then was horrible. It would continue to be horrible for another decade. I am the reason why “super size” was invented as a term at fast food joints. My older brother, on the other hand. Strict vegetarian. Non-smoker. Lots of exercise. No crap foods. He’s got FOUR stents. Figure that out. Boy, was he bummed when his Cardiologist told him that “there is no such thing as a good fat.” Some fats may be better than others, but none of them are good for you. Bottom line, both my brother and I have a family history of heart disease that stems from plaque buildup in our arteries. Deespite this disadvantage, many family members have lived into their nineties.

By: Marc Dover Mon, 05 Sep 2022 22:47:17 +0000 As an example of ultra-processed foods the article shows a picture of potato chips which consist of thinly sliced potatoes that are fried in vegetable oil then salted. This may represent foods high in fat but highly processed? Then how would you classify “artificial meat” which takes legumes grind them, make them unrecognizable, add flavorings, spices and colors to make them “bleed” like hamburgers then pretend that they taste like meat.

By: Charles G. Shaver Mon, 05 Sep 2022 16:43:23 +0000 While no reasonably prudent adult would seriously argue that ultra-processed pseudo-food products are healthier than naturally grown, harvested and prepared real foods, the failure to recognize, research and include at least five common ‘confounding factors’ in all of medical science renders the conclusions of most such studies moot; 1) undiagnosed food (minimally) allergies, 2) officially (FDA in the US) approved food poisoning (e.g. added soy and MSG, minimally), 3) unreliable laboratory testing (e.g. standard serum testing for calcium, minimally), 4) resultant nutritional deficiencies and 5) related medical errors; “dark-ages-medicine,” at best. Some ultra-processed pseudo-food products can actually be safer than undiagnosed real allergic offenders that don’t indicate-for with IgE antibody testing (e.g. chronic subclinical psychosomatic allergy reactions; tracks and extended tracks, learninggnm dot com).
