Comments on: Stretching the Limits: How Diamond Manipulation Enhances Quantum Bits Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 23:43:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bao-hua ZHANG Tue, 05 Dec 2023 23:43:48 +0000 What are the qubits? Why does quantum entanglement be maintained for relatively long periods must be cooled down to just a smidge above absolute zero?
According to topological vortex gravitational field theory, the physical essence of quantum is the rotation of topological vortices. The rotation of topological vortices is spin. Spin generates gravitation. Spin generates energy. Spin generates evolution. Spin generates time. Each topological vortex is a quantum clock.
In the interaction of topological vortices, the world is an interconnected whole. Each particles has its own phase field. Every particles maintain the state of themselves in space and time through the interaction and balance of these phase fields.
