Comments for SciTechDaily Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Wed, 06 Dec 2023 04:32:54 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Eating Your Way To Risk? The Major Impact of Diet on Alzheimer’s Disease by dr mehrdad kesiri Wed, 06 Dec 2023 04:32:54 +0000 Hello to the freedom lovers of Iran, England has dominated the mullahs of Harum Laqmeh, most of the mullahs of Iran are Harum Laqmeh, but out of ten thousand mullahs, one is a bastard like Khamenei and is very mean, ignorant and criminal.Most of those who are in the government and system of the Islamic Republic are bastards.They are not, but maybe they are a parasite of the English countries, maybe that is why the four alphabets of the English word are parasitic, it has two, two, four books, God’s work, my mother’s aunt told me one month before Mehrdad’sdeath, we are English.He said: I am one month old.I am no longer alive, but before I die, I want to teach you 20 words that are both Persian and English, and these 20 words were written by the mother of Hayat Hoz’s brother in the car, computer, elephant, kangaroo in the notebook.Jackal, giraffe, jacket, police, cigarette, soup, spinach, sugar market, saffron, lemon, aunt.My mother Nasirin Amini Ghazizadeh died exactly one month later.Her husband died the next day.Why does God say that the Soviet Union is Russia, but they do not accept themselves?The word Russia is not a good word in Farsi.I have many words.When humans wanted to colonize the earth a hundred million years ago, the gods of the earth decided that the language of the earth would be Persian, because it is the most accurate word in the world and the names of most countries are connected to it.Mysteries, and the names placed on the map of the continent, country or sea.It is related to the people before us who gave us a message by shaping the continents and naming some countries.The name they put on Panama is correct, it means foot.The weight of the body is placed on the foot.There are two letters “foot” in the name of the country of Panama, but it is strange because the map of the country of Panama is exactly the foot of a bird, and the body of the bird is the map of the Central American country..The right wing of the bird is the map of the state of Alaska.And it is near the North Pole, the head of the bird is in the east of the American continent and the country of Canada and the north of Central America, if you follow the foot of the bird that is the map of the country of Panama., in the south, the foot of the bird will be visible.The old man has a map of the whole of South America, so you have to wonder who assigned these names, which is a map of a country like the country of Panama, but Panama isn’t a human foot, it’s a bird.Foot, the bird that flew in America and it is strange that in America all the flights take to the sky and Panama is the foot of the bird, follow him.We reach the view of that old man.In the map of continents and the names of countries and continents, there are many cases where the names of countries are somehow related to animals and birds in their shape or to the appearance of humans in the image of humans.taken and the word mazandaran means we are man and woman, there is a mazander in it and there are male and female embryos in it and I talked about this, anyone who has information about this please send me a short message.PhD in astronomy and world religions, Jahan Kathiri, Tehran n..r mobil dr kesiri 00989332197646 tehran iran

Comment on Antarctica’s Ice Deception: New Study Reveals Surprising Thinness of Ice Shelves by Clyde Spencer Wed, 06 Dec 2023 04:05:02 +0000 “What this research really shows is that we need to be a lot more careful about the assumptions we make to estimate the ice shelf thickness, and about how we account for uncertainties and what they mean for the final result,”

I applaud the authors for being concerned about the uncertainties. They actually include an estimates and their associated uncertainty. It is a welcome change for those researching the climate. However, the abstract states, “On average, the hydrostatic thickness differs from observed thickness by at least ~17 ± 98 m …” I interpret that to mean that the average absolute error is about 17m, with a standard deviation of ±98m. That is a little difficult to understand. A common assumption is that the uncertainty in a measurement, or calculations based on measurements, is going to be much smaller than the measurement itself. That obviously isn’t the case here. Perhaps it would be better to state the error as ranging from -81m to 115m. That is not a trivial error range. As the authors remark, the large uncertainty obtained is probably the result of spatial variability.

Comment on Heavy Teenage Cannabis Use Leads to Drop in IQ by Jimbob Wed, 06 Dec 2023 00:53:35 +0000 Decade old study. I’ve been uh using cannabis since 13 cannabinoids and flavonoids have nueroprotective properties half of sober college kids wouldnt be able to comprehend the things I’ve learned from and about cannabis, information stretching all the way from biochemistry, and regular chemistry to neuroscience and microbiology all independently driven learning. Stay in the past while we pass you by

Comment on New Catalyst Completely Breaks Down Durable Plastic Pollution in Minutes by jbspry Wed, 06 Dec 2023 00:38:28 +0000 “The whole world is aware of the plastic problem,” said Northwestern’s Tobin Marks, the study’s senior author.
The whole world is aware of the problem of academic fraud too.
We’ll see…


Comment on Jupiter’s Surprising Atmospheric Discovery: Webb Reveals Intense 3,000-Mile-Wide Jet Stream by Rajveer Singh Tue, 05 Dec 2023 23:58:32 +0000 Hello sir namaste god bless all family members beliben Alle gusend.wetter wecsel.schone gruss Rajveer Singh sun of karnail singh batth village kotala bet po chhourian district Ludhiana Punjab India gruss green technology industry love to you thanks for alls

Comment on Stretching the Limits: How Diamond Manipulation Enhances Quantum Bits by Bao-hua ZHANG Tue, 05 Dec 2023 23:43:48 +0000 What are the qubits? Why does quantum entanglement be maintained for relatively long periods must be cooled down to just a smidge above absolute zero?
According to topological vortex gravitational field theory, the physical essence of quantum is the rotation of topological vortices. The rotation of topological vortices is spin. Spin generates gravitation. Spin generates energy. Spin generates evolution. Spin generates time. Each topological vortex is a quantum clock.
In the interaction of topological vortices, the world is an interconnected whole. Each particles has its own phase field. Every particles maintain the state of themselves in space and time through the interaction and balance of these phase fields.

Comment on The Particle Accelerator Reinvented: Compact, Powerful, and Ready to Transform Science by Joey Tue, 05 Dec 2023 23:24:31 +0000 Stop using Dalle3

Comment on Webb Captures Mysterious Reappearance of a Ghostly Object – “This Thing Is a Real Monster!” by Dan Dwyer Tue, 05 Dec 2023 21:13:42 +0000 It is castle GraySkull from Eternia!

Comment on Nasal Spray Demonstrates Significant Success in Treating Depression by dr mehrdad kesiri Tue, 05 Dec 2023 21:11:06 +0000 Hello to the freedom lovers of Iran, England has dominated the mullahs of Harum Laqmeh, most of the mullahs of Iran are Harum Laqmeh, but out of ten thousand mullahs, one is a bastard like Khamenei and is very mean, ignorant and criminal.Most of those who are in the government and system of the Islamic Republic are bastards.They are not, but maybe they are a parasite of the English countries, maybe that is why the four alphabets of the English word are parasitic, it has two, two, four books, God’s work, my mother’s aunt told me one month before Mehrdad’sdeath, we are English.He said: I am one month old.I am no longer alive, but before I die, I want to teach you 20 words that are both Persian and English, and these 20 words were written by the mother of Hayat Hoz’s brother in the car, computer, elephant, kangaroo in the notebook.Jackal, giraffe, jacket, police, cigarette, soup, spinach, sugar market, saffron, lemon, aunt.My mother Nasirin Amini Ghazizadeh died exactly one month later, her husband died the next day, why does God say that the Soviet Union is Russia, but they do not accept themselves, the word Russia is not a good word in Farsi, I think thereare many words, the gods of the earth , when humans a hundred million years ago, the gods wanted to populate the earth, they decided that the language of the gods of the earth would be Persian, because it is the most accurate word in theworld.The world and most of the names of the countries that are connected to the mystery and on the map of the continent or the country or the sea, are the names that were given to people before us.It is said that they give us a message by shaping the continents and naming several countries, for example, the sea of ​​Mazandaran is like an embryo placed in a woman’s womb, and the word Mazandaran means we are men and we are women.It is in it and Mazandaran is in it.The fetus is male and female, I talked about this, anyone who has information about this, please send a short message to Doctor of Astronomy and Religions, Jahan Kathiri, Tehran, Shemiranat.dr kesiri mobil sent s m s 00989332197646 time in iran mehrdad

Comment on Scientists Show That Blocking Enzymes in Hair Follicles Promotes Hair Growth by Bruzote Tue, 05 Dec 2023 20:18:48 +0000 No mentions of drug safety, not even the expectations.

Comment on A “Missing Link” – Researchers Shed Light on the Origin of Complex Life Forms by Bruzote Tue, 05 Dec 2023 19:41:38 +0000 In reply to Ken.

Humans created the arbitrarily fuzzy definition of life, so maybe we need to start there before we begin asking why non-life gave rise to life. Why is a self-sustaining, adapting reaction not some form of life?

Comment on Incredible Virus Discovery Offers Clues About the Origins of Complex Life by Bruzote Tue, 05 Dec 2023 19:37:14 +0000 In reply to Jay Sanders.

I expect this scientist’s peer review to go smoothly!

Comment on Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya Have More in Common Than Previously Thought by Bruzote Tue, 05 Dec 2023 19:22:47 +0000 I wonder if the volume regulation mechanism is ultimately regulated by a limit to how many times certain genes are activated to achieve those incremental volume increases.

Comment on Moonbound Majesty: Astronauts’ Inside Look at SLS, the Engine of Artemis Dreams by bob Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:46:00 +0000 Dear Jojo;

Jacobs Ladder (a fun name for the Space Elevator) would require material many orders of magnitude stronger and lighter than anything known (the stuff is known in the aerospace industry as “unobtanium”). We are sitting here banging away on our Puters and thinking, ” Gee wiz, how hard could it be to simply run a cable up to a satellite in geo Sync orbit? We are after all just sitting here, No?

No, were not. We are sitting inside a giant merry-go-round with the windows closed and incorrectly perceive our state of motion.

We don’t sense the Earth’s rotation because we are along for the ride, so we don’t realize that the complete system is spinning around and “the ladder’ is therefore subject to enormous centrifugal forces.

Comment on Reimagining the Cosmos: New Theory Unites Einstein’s Gravity With Quantum Mechanics by Fixed gravity for you. Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:37:05 +0000 In reply to Fixed gravity for you..

“Bored Hellraiser Einstein Yacht Club” NPC series – could be gold, amiright?

Comment on Most People Are Eating Too Much Protein – And It Has Serious Consequences by Bruzote Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:32:07 +0000 In reply to Jason.

It makes me wonder if a troll farm attacked this page.

Comment on Most People Are Eating Too Much Protein – And It Has Serious Consequences by Brozte Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:30:12 +0000 In reply to Davesnapfitness.

Wow. So much drama. Where did the article push meds? Speaking of pushing, I see plenty of dieticians/nutritionists/trainers/coaches/owners selling protein and protein-related supplements. By your logic, that should make your comments untrustworthy.

Comment on Most People Are Eating Too Much Protein – And It Has Serious Consequences by Bruzote Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:27:42 +0000 In reply to Darrell.

I wondered about that fat effect myself. I eat protein to displace other foods. Seems reasonable, particularly if the nitrogen can be managed.

Comment on Most People Are Eating Too Much Protein – And It Has Serious Consequences by Bruzote Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:26:02 +0000 In reply to Donald.

Which part of the article said don’t eat protein?

Comment on Most People Are Eating Too Much Protein – And It Has Serious Consequences by Bruzote Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:25:40 +0000 In reply to MD.

Which part of the article is so offensive?

Comment on Most People Are Eating Too Much Protein – And It Has Serious Consequences by Bruzote Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:24:17 +0000 In reply to Sam.

A 350 lb glutton is more likely to enjoy all sorts of food including vegetarian dal and saag rather that some finicky beanpole.

Comment on Most People Are Eating Too Much Protein – And It Has Serious Consequences by Bruzote Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:22:38 +0000 In reply to Clyde Spencer.

Well, that’s what they are saying effectively. When you eat meat, you are indirectly an incredible amount of these foods. So, you agree with the article’s point. Everybody wins.

Comment on Most People Are Eating Too Much Protein – And It Has Serious Consequences by Bruzote Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:21:27 +0000 In reply to jorgen.

Then stop reading these articles on SCI tech daily. There are about developments advanced by scientists. You should go get your health care from crystal-waving soothsayers and homeopathists.

Comment on Reimagining the Cosmos: New Theory Unites Einstein’s Gravity With Quantum Mechanics by Fixed gravity for you. Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:12:57 +0000 In reply to Fixed gravity for you..

It’s AI’s visceral “Hellraiser Einstein” collectibles that everyone really wants to see.
