Comments on: Exoplanet Found by Hubble Resembles Reputed “Planet Nine” in Our Solar System Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Mon, 16 Oct 2023 16:22:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alek Fri, 30 Apr 2021 19:44:40 +0000 I suspect it’s a pinhole sized blackhole.

By: Torbjörn Larsson Sat, 09 Jan 2021 04:50:55 +0000 Steve Coxon and Justin Lehmann: Of course not. Those are myth [ ].

Besides, this is a hypothesis of a planet explaining observations, a real thing.

By: Justin Lehmann Fri, 08 Jan 2021 22:56:37 +0000 A new (Anu) planet was found… the Sumerians right again

By: Steve coxon Fri, 08 Jan 2021 20:34:51 +0000 So is this referring to and disclosure of planet X,the destroyer,nibiru, wormwood etc, president Reagan shut down any reports on this subject, declaring it off limits yet in recent times we have one of the mouthpieces of the establishment actually stating we could be living in a binary star system,well Zachariah Sitchin told us this decades ago, the multi-billionaires at the Vatican have their own Observatory looking for the ‘return’ of nibiru, maybe it’s not something for the so called experts to snigg@r at dismissively?? ( —and while we’re all distracted with bank crashes,austerity,Brexit and a timely plandemic–?)

By: Santiago Fri, 08 Jan 2021 10:53:53 +0000 La ciencia anda un poco despistada en cuanto al tratamiento de los exoplanetas cuando la explicación no tienen relativamente sencilla si aprenden nuestro propio sistema solar puesto que por analogía no me cabe duda de que los planetas de cualquier lugar del universo se comportan igual que estos no al revés y en lugar de andar adivinanzas de cómo son a mí me interesa más descubrir una fórmula común que explique cómo nacen ahora viven y mueren sin grandes cataclismos y enfrentamientos que parecen más de personas en lucha que una explicación racional de su comportamiento que tiene que ser repito el mismo que ser vamos tan cerca nuestros propios planetas no hay que ir buscando un vellocino de oro cuanto más lejos más irreal y volver la observación y la reflexión a los cercanos olvidandonos ya de ese antropocentrismo que nos condiciona la realidad absurda que estamos creando.

By: Torbjörn Larsson Fri, 08 Jan 2021 01:08:36 +0000 In reply to Sean A Weiss.

In that parable, we do know enough of what the missing “dog” looks like and where it’s at. That’s why astronomers have the idea that they can search for it (not too faint, not “all sky” search space).

By: Sean A Weiss Thu, 07 Jan 2021 20:40:14 +0000 I looked in our neighbors yard and noticed they had a dog that looks like the missing dog we have. Only, we don’t know what our missing dog looks or acts like because we have never seen it. Actually we aren’t even sure it exists, but, something made a mess of our yard and more than likely it was our missing dog that is responsible.

By: Torbjörn Larsson Thu, 07 Jan 2021 01:12:41 +0000 In reply to John Campbell.

Or, are you proposing a single event perhaps?

That wouldn’t work, the detached objects are in resonance so need a periodic perturber – an orbiting planet.

By: Torbjörn Larsson Thu, 07 Jan 2021 01:09:50 +0000 In reply to John Campbell.

That – using science – is of course what they are doing.

“Several possible origins for Planet Nine have been examined including its ejection from the neighborhood of the known giant planets, capture from another star, and in situ formation.” [ ]

If you read further in that article your idea is not listed. Either they missed it, it has been rejected by the many papers studying this – there needs to be a capture mechanism – or it has simply not been published. If you quantify your model you could get it published – you know, as in doing science.

By: Torbjörn Larsson Thu, 07 Jan 2021 01:00:14 +0000 ““Something happens very early that starts kicking planets and comets outward, and then you have passing stars that stabilize their orbits,” he said. “We are slowly accumulating the evidence needed to understand the diversity of extrasolar planets and how that relates to the puzzling aspects of our own solar system.””

The “passing stars” are a likely scenario when the systems are still close together in their origin cluster before they disperse as Sun and its siblings must have done. The typical distances are parts of light years or an order of magnitude less than typical for the Milky Way disk.

The scenario fit Planet Nine well, since our scattering happened early [ ].

“The hunt is on for more observations that can parse what happened during those first 100 million years, whether from asteroid samples, clusters of primordial asteroid families, or craters on the Moon and Mars. “Now, the question is, was it a few million years after or 80 million years?” Morbidelli says. “Honestly we don’t know.””

By: Cool beans Tue, 05 Jan 2021 23:04:50 +0000 So fake…lol…cartoons are for kids…93billion dollars a year i want more than cartoons…and give us a real pic of earth while your at it…every year they do the continents change sizes…

By: John Campbell Tue, 05 Jan 2021 22:06:42 +0000 Another possibility is that this hypothesised planet nine was a rogue planet or brown dwarf that passed close by our solar system but was never quite close enough to fall into the Sun’s gravity well. It’s passing may have caused some minor disruptions but little more. Or indeed, another Oumuamua grazing the Kuper belt and speeding on its merry way.

Best we stop seeking reasons to look aimlessly and start following the evidence where it leads. Y’know, like that scientific method we keep hearing about?!
