Comments on: Unlocking the Quantum Realm: A New Tool for Uncharted Phenomena Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Sun, 03 Dec 2023 11:10:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fiona MacLeod Sun, 03 Dec 2023 11:10:54 +0000 Micro spin, spin related gravity, and distinct gravitational values are theories and concepts of my copyright work from almost a decade ago.
What work are you quoting from please?

By: Bao-hua ZHANG Sat, 02 Dec 2023 10:57:09 +0000 The physical essence of quantum is the spin of topological vortices. Spin generates gravitation. Spin generates energy. Spin generates evolution. Spin generates time.
In the interaction of topological vortices, the world is an interconnected whole. Every object has its own phase field. The world maintains the state of each object in space and time through the interaction and balance of these phase fields.
The correct theory is the most powerful tool for humanity. This is also the fundamental difference between humanity and other animals. The reason why humanity are great is because they are good at thinking.
I hope more people haven’t been fooled by pseudoscientific ideas.

By: Ralph Johnson Fri, 01 Dec 2023 13:40:53 +0000 I see that the brake thru shows a measurement of significance the temperature a huge part of the puzzle and Identification, can the identification be a clue in building from the quantum level up. A little at a time or a great burst amount of particles introduced together.
