Comments on: Revolutionizing Nerve Repair: Scientists Discover Key Protein in Mice Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Sun, 03 Dec 2023 15:47:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: BibhutibhusanPatel Sun, 03 Dec 2023 15:47:53 +0000 Often permanent loss of vital neurocells occure due to direct affection of bacteria.This can be treated by choosing right alternative path,then.

By: Hottan Neuralgic Sun, 03 Dec 2023 09:20:16 +0000 In reply to Jojo.

I did some preliminary research. One study even had Lion’s Mane repairing lesions in the basal ganglia of the brain. That’s shocking. I was expecting a limited neuroprotective effect, like with the antioxident aronia polyphenols. Preventing damage, as in, not repairing brain damage. I really don’t listen to Paul Stamets enough, but he wears a mushroom as a hat.

Based on the safety profile (nontoxic, rarely an allergen), I’ve already parted with some cash buying it while I continue reading. At best, I might improve some mild neuralgia and parasthesia. At worst, I have an exotic mushroom soup flavoring.

That link is really surprising too, with the increase of nerve-growth-factor coming from epigenetic effects. I’m curious if the neuronal growth could increase pain sensation (scitechdaily’s “Back Pain Breakthrough: Existing Drug Killing Off Senescent Cells Could Provide Relief”). Also curious about the success of the ethanoic extract versus the failure of the water extract, so I should probably take it with ethanol.

I have a great deal of respect for people who improve their lives using scientific research, particularly when they improve themselves, their physical being. I’m sure doctors will cringe thinking of biohackers playing with RFID chips, but translating obscure specialized data into healing can be done personally when doctors don’t. When the suggestion is passed on and improves another life, it’s a real gift.

By: Jojo Sun, 03 Dec 2023 04:08:16 +0000 In reply to Hottan Neualgic.

Check this URL out:

By: Hottan Neualgic Sun, 03 Dec 2023 01:12:05 +0000 In reply to Jojo.

The article is exciting. Nerve repair is mostly beyond medicine, for now. I’m hopeful this discovery will lead to new medications that get my Schwann working hard.

I hadn’t heard of Lion’s Mane supplements for neuropathy, only for psychological disorders, but based on the same neuroprotective principle. Thanks for your detailed comment. I’ll be researching that for some time. Good to hear about the improvement, keep up the effort!

Supplements I have researched that you may want to look into include Natural Egg Membrane (NEM), vitamin K2, turmeric (curcumen), parsley, aronia (black chokeberry), kratom, krill oil, and collagen.

By: Jojo Sat, 02 Dec 2023 19:48:20 +0000 I’ve suffered peripheral neuropathy in my feet for many years. It has been blamed on nerve damage in my back (I’ve had 4 back surgeries over the years) and called “chronic”, which supposedly implies that it is no repairable.

About 8 months ago I began taking the supplement called Lion’s Mane, which is a mushroom and people claim that it has helped with their peripheral neuropathy. I bought some with no real expectations of any improvement.

However, I am surprised that buy the time I finished the first bottle, I have actually seen improvement! I bought another bottle and continue to see improvement, though it is slow.

Not only are my feet noticeably less numb (perhaps a 50-60% improvement) but another condition, regular itching on my back, which had also been attributed to nerve problems, has cleared up.

I’ve even gained some strength back in my left big toe, so that I can now raise it against some resistance, something I could not do previously.
