Strange Chemistry: Webb Reveals “Teenage Galaxies” Are Unusually Hot, Glowing With Unexpected Elements

Teenage Galaxy Concept

Astrophysicists using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have discovered that teenage galaxies, emerging within the first 2-3 billion years after the Big Bang, exhibit high temperatures and unexpected elements like nickel. This research, part of the CECILIA Survey, provides new insights into the early stages of galactic development.

JWST unexpectedly reveals nickel and oxygen, which are typically difficult to observe.

Similar to human teenagers, teenage galaxies are awkward, experience growth spurts and enjoy heavy metal — nickel, that is.

A Northwestern University-led team of astrophysicists has just analyzed the first results from the CECILIA (Chemical Evolution Constrained using Ionized Lines in Interstellar Aurorae) Survey, a program that uses NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to study the chemistry of distant galaxies.

Unexpected Elements in “Teenage Galaxies”

According to the early results, so-called “teenage galaxies” — which formed two-to-three billion years after the Big Bang — are unusually hot and contain unexpected elements, like nickel, which are notoriously difficult to observe.

The research was published on November 20 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. It marks the first in a series of forthcoming studies from the CECILIA Survey.

Insights Into Galactic Evolution

“We’re trying to understand how galaxies grew and changed over the 14 billion years of cosmic history,” said Northwestern’s Allison Strom, who led the study. “Using the JWST, our program targets teenage galaxies when they were going through a messy time of growth spurts and change. Teenagers often have experiences that determine their trajectories into adulthood. For galaxies, it’s the same.”

Teenage Galaxies Unexpected Elements

Light from 23 distant galaxies, identified with red rectangles in the Hubble Space Telescope image at the top, were combined to capture incredibly faint emission from eight different elements, which are labelled in the JWST spectrum at the bottom.Although scientists regularly find these elements on Earth, astronomers rarely, if ever, observe many of them in distant galaxies. Credit: Aaron M. Geller, Northwestern, CIERA + IT-RCDS

One of the principal investigators of the CECILIA Survey, Strom is an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at Northwestern’s Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and a member of Northwestern’s Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA). Strom co-leads the CECILIA Survey with Gwen Rudie, a staff scientist at Carnegie Observatories.

‘Chemical DNA’ Insight Into Galaxy Formation

Named after Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, one of the first women to earn a Ph.D. in astronomy, the CECILIA Survey observes spectra (or the amount of light across different wavelengths) from distant galaxies. Strom likens a galaxy’s spectra to its “chemical DNA.” By examining this DNA during a galaxy’s “teenage” years, researchers can better understand how it grew and how it will evolve into a more mature galaxy.

For example, astrophysicists still don’t understand why some galaxies appear “red and dead” while others, like our Milky Way, are still forming stars. A galaxy’s spectrum can reveal its key elements, such as oxygen and sulfur, which provide a window into what a galaxy was previously doing and what it might do in the future.

“These teenage years are really important because that’s when the most growth happens,” Strom said. “By studying this, we can begin exploring the physics that caused the Milky Way to look like the Milky Way — and why it might look different from its neighboring galaxies.”

In the new study, Strom and her collaborators used the JWST to observe 33 distant teenage galaxies for a continuous 30 hours this past summer. Then, they combined spectra from 23 of those galaxies to construct a composite picture.

“This washes out the details of individual galaxies but gives us a better sense of an average galaxy. It also allows us to see fainter features,” Strom said. “It’s significantly deeper and more detailed than any spectrum we could collect with ground-based telescopes of galaxies from this time period in the universe’s history.”

Spectra Surprises

The ultra-deep spectrum revealed eight distinct elements: Hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, sulfur, argon, and nickel. All elements that are heavier than hydrogen and helium form inside stars. So, the presence of certain elements provides information about star formation throughout a galaxy’s evolution.

While Strom expected to see lighter elements, she was particularly surprised by the presence of nickel. Heavier than iron, nickel is rare and incredibly difficult to observe.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine we would see nickel,” Strom said. “Even in nearby galaxies, people don’t observe this. There has to be enough of an element present in a galaxy and the right conditions to observe it. No one ever talks about observing nickel. Elements have to be glowing in gas in order for us to see them. So, in order for us to see nickel, there may be something unique about the stars within the galaxies.”

Another surprise: The teenage galaxies were extremely hot. By examining the spectra, physicists can calculate a galaxy’s temperature. While the hottest pockets with galaxies can reach over 9,700 degrees Celsius (17,492 degrees Fahrenheit), the teenage galaxies clock in at higher than 13,350 degrees Celsius (24,062 degrees Fahrenheit).

“This is just additional evidence of how different galaxies likely were when they were younger,” Strom said. “Ultimately, the fact that we see a higher characteristic temperature is just another manifestation of their different chemical DNA because the temperature and chemistry of gas in galaxies are intrinsically linked.”

Reference: “CECILIA: The Faint Emission Line Spectrum of z ∼ 2–3 Star-forming Galaxies” by Allison L. Strom, Gwen C. Rudie, Ryan F. Trainor, Gabriel B. Brammer, Michael V. Maseda, Menelaos Raptis, Noah S. J. Rogers, Charles C. Steidel, Yuguang Chen, 昱光 陈 and David R. Law, 20 November 2023, The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad07dc

The study was supported by NASA, the Pittsburgh Foundation, and the Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement. The data were obtained from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes at the Space Telescope Science Institute and from the W.M. Keck Observatory.

3 Comments on "Strange Chemistry: Webb Reveals “Teenage Galaxies” Are Unusually Hot, Glowing With Unexpected Elements"

  1. Doctor mehrdad usa on the | November 27, 2023 at 4:09 am | Reply

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  2. dr mehrdad kesiri | November 27, 2023 at 10:50 am | Reply

    3 Ramadan has become the truth, the religion of Muhammad has been revealed.@Iran was attacked from the west @Iranian army fighting against Arabs 57 @Army fighting to defend the honor of Iranians When we take the word “zadin” in two meanings, and the word “Muhammad” has four and five letters, and the fifthword “Namardan” and “Namardan” also become the seventh word.With the explanation we gave, both “Viaghiyan” and “Namardan” have 7 letters.I was thinking when I wrote this poem.It was not a problem at all that these words are like this because I wrote this five-verse poem in ten minutes.If you count the words from the beginning of the text, you will definitely find the time of events and important events that numbers are connected to time and date.The month of Ramadan was mostly revealed to Muhammad Rasoullah (pbuh) and this surah was also revealed to Sahib Zaman in the holy month of Ramadan in the year 1390 from the gods of Iran, the words of soldiers and fighting are 58 and 59, andin 59 there was a war because Khomeini had a grudge against the Shah’s army.He had given the order to shoot the senior commanders of the army chiefs, the bodyguards had shot them.Saddam thought that Khomeini was able to dissolve the Shah’s army, but the clerics had not yet infiltrated the parliament at that time, and all the army officials who were still working in the army and had decades of experience They were against disbanding the Iranian army,and if the war had not started in 1959, Sadr Sadr Khomeini would have disbanded the army with fear, hatred, hatred, and hatred, and England did not allow Khomeini to disband the army, and when the war started, Khomeini changed his mind.The disbanding of the Shah’s army drove him out of his head @ A strong reason that proves that this poem was most likely inspired by the author of the time is that from the end of the stanzas of these five stanzas, when we read one word,one word, until the last verse, ten words The word is made, which is a verse, as follows: @ The religion of the land of the western Iranians @ The hunting of the land of the Bedouin Arabs @ The religion of the first inthe west of Iran is obvious.Their prophets appeared in the holy land of Bethel, and the west of Iran is Iraq, and Amir Mominin (pbuh) and Muhammad Rasoullah (pbuh) lived in Kufa, Najaf, Karbala, and Madinah, and in the west of Iran @@ Hamedanand Kermanshah, the inscription of Zoroaster, Korosh and Forohar @@ in Hamedan and Kermanshah in Kohsar Those works and role of the great prophet of Iran, Forohar Farba, who said good deeds, good behavior, good speech, good thoughts, are visible ona large stone slab in Hamadan’s Hesar mountain, and the people of Hamadan were in Hamedan.We received these poems, we realized that they have a strange order, and in the next chapter about the religion of Iranians and two of the greatest prophets of the world and Iran, Koresh and Farrohar spoke that in these ten words above, which is averse full of content and meaning, God Iran has mentioned the first religions of the world.dr kesiri n.. mobil00989332197646 The sun is now hitting the stars of the big arm of the galaxy.I am asking the administrator of this site to send these comments that I am sending to the NASA site if possible.We don’t have much time.The same planets were the arms of the galaxy that came towards the sun with their stars, and when they hit the sun, they caused the soil, rock, and mantle to fall on the earth after they disintegrated, and the life of the earth wasdestroyed a hundred million years ago.All the continents have been drawn in the form of animals, humans and birds by the previous humans who lived on the earth, and they have been drawn in the form of birds.I know 100% that life existed 100 million years ago.and humans before us created the structure of God

  3. dr mehrdad kesiri | November 29, 2023 at 4:25 am | Reply

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