Comments on: Lost in Space: Is a Giant Void Driving the Universe Apart? Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Sun, 03 Dec 2023 15:41:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Charles G. Shaver Sun, 03 Dec 2023 15:41:58 +0000 Early on a basic assumption was made which has since proved false. The scattered dot patterns in the classic double-slit experiments are not caused by a duality of particles and waves but by pulsing locally generated outwardly radiating lines of gravity force. Later, Hubbell misinterpreted red shift as being indicative of cosmic objects moving away from earth in all directions. Additionally, gravity lensing proves that fields of pulsing lines of radiant gravity force can affect even photons which will accelerate (blue shift) when departing the decreasingly dense fields of their sources and decelerate (red shift) as they arrive in our increasingly dense local field of gravity. Accidentally discovering the true nature of gravity in 2009 and not devising, producing and uploading a first demonstration video until 2012, I still haven’t devised a label for what I’ve personally found to be true. How about labeling it the “NETSA” (Newton-Einstein-Tesla-Shaver-Attraction) theory of gravity? Then, perhaps, scientists can quit fantasizing about dark matter and dark energy and get on with the possibly impossible task of estimating the actual age and size of the universe.

By: rob Sat, 02 Dec 2023 23:55:47 +0000 One would suppose that with the types of accelerations with distance claimed evident from the basic Hubble red-shift expansion story that ultimately, assorted galaxies or the empty space between them, would get extremely “heavy” as they or the space between them approaches the speed of light.

Obviously I am not an astrophysicist as I cannot think of a good excuse that excludes this daft idea.

By: CrazyFox Sat, 02 Dec 2023 23:20:51 +0000 Maybe some day the so-called scientists that keep pushing this drivel will realize the actual truth. There was no single Big Bang. We live in a universe that is constantly regenerating and black holes are the recyclers.

Red Shift assumptions give wrong values as areas with more space dust have dimmer red shifts, not older galaxies. This error has been perpetuating for a century, based on 5be then assumption that space was EMPTY. We now, of course, know that it is not remotely empty, yet instead of reconciling Red Shift and acknowledging our mistake, we chose instead to INVENT Dark Matter and Dark Energy, which are nothing more than mathematical “fixes” to a problem that doesn’t actually exist.

It’s absolutely mind blowing that this continues on and on and on, even in the face of obvious data from the Webb telescope, but such is human ego. Like plaque with Alzheimers, humans simply cannot admit they were wrong and go back to the drawing board, despite failure after failure after failure. How many will needlessly suffer from Alzheimers because we spend decades barking up the wrong tree? Absolute insanity.

By: George Klauck Sat, 02 Dec 2023 23:09:26 +0000 Black Hole is a function of the quantum physics connections that lead other planetary bodies in snc with the rotation spin within its core. Any interconnection is a function with kinetic energy that has a link chain reaction response like clock work. Kinetic energy entanglement will determine the action of the black hole in question which brings around its own characteristics based on the energy available even from an entanglement long distance. Quantum physics will always leave interactive long distance communications among energetic stars. Certain magnetic fields becomes the communication links for the full next step mechanisms.
Magnetic links and Quantum Entanglement may be the main basic basis for space evolution!

By: Ralph Johnson Sat, 02 Dec 2023 15:47:50 +0000 The last part of this article, Einstein was thought to of said, if true sends a message that when we become to know how to escape the bounds of our closed system the earth and travel easily this is when our intuitive nature would be answered. Try thinking outside the closed box.

By: Ashton Sat, 02 Dec 2023 15:45:24 +0000 There’s a Massive Void inside of me, too.

By: Fixed gravity for you. Sat, 02 Dec 2023 10:33:32 +0000 An explanation using multi-scalar filaments of gravitational spin flow, recently shown at one scale in the side-scatter of bright columns of aligned spinning protons lounging around near the galactic center, unfortunately does not resort to the extradimensional spacetime continuum heavenly firmament type of void theory enjoyed by LCDM+ science funding royalty.

Basically, the idea was to equate said filaments with paths of enhanced gravity flows, thus with enhanced red-shifting, cosmological coherence/entanglements, and filamentary dark matter effects. On top of that, the teetering notion that, in any average bound set of filaments, the distribution of filament lengths will normally tend to skew toward shorter filaments, was precariously piled, with absolutely no extradimensional support whatsoever. As it could not be visualized with a magic marker and a heavenly inspired imperial balloon, it was most properly deemed hopeless, totally unprofessional, and without merit.
