Comments on: Yogurt’s Hidden Superpower Uncovered: A Natural Guard Against Depression and Anxiety Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Mon, 04 Dec 2023 04:37:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: dr mehrdad kesiri Sun, 03 Dec 2023 18:10:42 +0000 America should overthrow the criminal regime of the Islamic Republic and establish freedom and democracy in Iran.England, America and France supported Khomeini in Iran.Khomeini was a moron than himself, not his grandfather.God said this because he is good in his grandfather.God said, we didn’t want Khomeini to shoot the soldiers, we helped Khomeini to become a leader, but we didn’t know that he is an extremist and has a grudge against the imperial army.Khomeini was a rebel and at the timewhen Reza Shah had ordered the rebels to surrender, we would give them an F degree, but Seyyed Mustafa Khomeini, the father of Rooh and Lah Khomeini, did not surrender, and several civilians were killed in theclash at the Bazgan border with the gendarmes forthe arrest of Seyyed Mustafa Khomeini.and they were wounded, and the gendarmerie officers gave Khomeini’s father a field trial in the same village of Lab Marz where they had arrested him, and Khomeini’s father was shot in front of Khomeini’s eyes.Khomeini, who sawthe scene of his father being shot, became an enemy of the imperial army from then on.Vokina took a liking to Reza Shah and was thinking of revenge and fought against the Shah and behind Reza Shah’s back he was slandering the believers that his father wasinnocently killed by the order of Reza Shah.When everyone voted for the Islamic Republic on the 12th of Farvardin 1358, the day after the voting, he came by plane from France, the capital city of Paris, to Tehran’s Mehrabad Airport and went straight toBehesht Zahra and insulted the government in his speechesand said, “I will decide the government.”I slap this government in the mouth and it said that there should be free water and electricity.Khomeini told a lot of lies and did not fulfill any ofthe promises he made.Khomeini was a moron.His father extorted souls from caravans.Ruholah Khomeini was a religious fanatic and extremist in religion and religion.Islam was one of his slogans, Islam must survive, and when Iran came, it chanted neither eastnor west, but now the Islamic Republic has a contract with eastern China and Russia.Khomeini was a liar, he did not fulfill the promises he made to the people, he saw families whose children were They were martyred by the illegitimate and illegitimate regime ofthe Islamic Republic on the street in 1401, 1400 and 1488. They chant this slogan, they say the death of Khamenei is cursed by Khomeini.When he became famous as the great leader of the revolution, he declared the activities of all parties illegal andsaid that the party was only Hezbollah after Khomeini’s speech on Friday in the Friday prayer of 1360, which was held at the University of Tehran, Khomeini’spro-Khomeini guards attacked the team houses of the People’s Mojahedin and some members of the Mojahedin organization,girls and boys, were arrested by Khomeini’s troops and guards and imprisoned for 7 years.More than three thousand political prisoners were massacred and executed by order of Khomeini in Shahid Rajaei Prison, Shahid Kajoyi Prison, Vakil Abad Prison, Mashhad and other large prisons ofthe country in 1367. This was the biggest horrible crime in history.

By: dr mehrdad kesiri Sun, 03 Dec 2023 18:01:47 +0000 ـThe sun was thousands of billions of years ago in the form of a cloud like a nebula.Most of the nuclei of atoms of various elements are 10 to 100 thousand times smaller than the atoms themselves.The core of the very old sun is so denseand compact that the gravitational power of the sun cannot be imagined by humans and it is unbelievable that there is nothing in the core of the sun.There is no perfect atom in the core of the sun, no electron revolves around the proton!From thedistance between the stars, we can calculate the magnitude of the stars and the age of the stars.I calculated the magnitude and the age of the sun when it was cloudy and nebula.It is directly related to the distance between the stars.The sunis in the last minutes of its life and the earth was formed in the last hours of the sun’s life.At this time, there was no big bang.If all the galaxies and hundreds of billions of galaxies are placed in a black hole, anexplosion may occur.But stars will never be born after the explosion, because no atom remains intact in a very large black hole.More than trillions of years have passed since the age of the sun.God told me through his messenger that exactly trillions ofyears have passed since the age of the sun.Dr.Kathiri from Tehran.I am waiting for your messages.My email is blocked on my mobile phone.You can send short messages.God is a structure that humans built hundreds of millions of years ago, when they had hundreds of thousands of years or millionsof years of history on the earth.God built the earth more than forty times in I have seen the images that God had made with clouds in the sky.I myself had asked the Gods of the earth to create those images with clouds.Your Godsmay be our Gods.He promises heaven for good work and hell for bad work.Look for work and effort.Look for religion when you are over 30 years old.Whenever you have no financial problems, help others yourself so that God will help you.I am a special servant of God and I am not very happy about this because God has chosen me to eliminate those who are trying to stop Islam and interfere in the work of the Gods of Iran and the earth, but this is a very difficulttaskand great powers are needed.The world should help the Iranian nation, the earth, even the mullahs who killed the people and took freedom from Iranian men and women, those clerics who went in the clothes of religion and all the authority of the people fellinto the hands of the religiousclerics, America should destroy the criminal regime of the Islamic Republic, freedom and democracy.establish in Iran
