Comments on: Life on Earth Is in Danger – New Report Reveals That Earth’s Vital Signs Have Deteriorated to Levels Unprecedented in Human History Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 14:58:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: FrequentFlyer Tue, 05 Dec 2023 14:58:11 +0000 Only solution is another mass extinction.

Fortunately the human race is all too good at creating the perfect storm for one.

By: Clyde Spencer Tue, 05 Dec 2023 01:02:23 +0000 “The authors say policies are needed that take aim at the underlying issue of ‘ecological overshoot.’”

They dance around the issue, but don’t spell it out. Ecological Overshoot means that, at least regionally, the population has exceeded the carrying capacity of the land and sea. There is no easy, and probably no moral solution to that issue. However, pretending that giving up eating meat and giving up fossil fuels will lead to an improved situation is myopic. It will lead to an impoverished standard of living, which is the opposite of what those in First World countries have come to expect. One of the first things to go will have to be designer beers, such as produced by Worthy Beers, which helped fund the ‘research.’ This is evidence that these well-educated people with their awards are not deep thinkers. Some domesticated sources of meat can use land unsuitable for agriculture and bring themselves to water. The real problem is feeding grain to cattle to fatten them because consumers prefer marbled steaks.

The chances are that the poor in the world will suffer even more because money equates to how much energy is available to do work. The people who wrote this are out of touch with reality and will probably be the first to go when they can no longer drive their Teslas to the supermarket to buy affordable food grown all over the world, often out of season for the hemisphere they live in. The claim that a warming climate, whatever the reason, leads to more extreme climate events, is poorly supported. In an equitable and just world, they would be consigned to working for the post office, rather than corrupting young minds.
