Comments on: Unstable Ice: Antarctic Glacier’s Sudden Collapse Rattles Scientists Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 15:52:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clyde Spencer Tue, 05 Dec 2023 15:52:54 +0000 “We have known for some time that the ocean around Antarctica is heating up rapidly and that this poses a significant threat to glaciers and the ice sheet, with consequences for sea level rise globally.”

West Antarctica is an extension of the Pacific Rim of Fire. It is home to active volcanoes and areas of high geothermal heat flow under the ice. There are also a high number of seamounts under water. Yet, there is no mention of that. They remark, “The warmer water was not carried on the surface of the ocean but deep in the water column.” Where is the heat coming from that has warmed the deep water? If it isn’t at the surface, why not? Warm water is typically less dense than cold water and should rise. If global warming is a result of down-welling infrared radiation, it should be warming the surface waters. Why isn’t it? The situation doesn’t make sense and the authors haven’t explained it. They are making assertions and ignoring the proverbial ‘Elephant in the Room.’
