Comments on: Superconductors’ Secret: Old Physics Law Stands the Test of Time in Quantum Material Conundrum Science, Space and Technology News 2023 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 12:15:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bao-hua ZHANG Tue, 05 Dec 2023 12:15:49 +0000 Somehow the system still knows that there is this correspondence between charge and heat transport amongst the electrons. That was the most surprising result.
According to topological vortex gravitational field theory, spin generates gravitation, spin generates energy, spin generates evolution, spin generates time. In the interaction of topological vortices, the world is an interconnected whole. Each particles has its own phase field. Every particles maintain the state of themselves in space and time through the interaction and balance of these phase fields.
CP violation is a pseudoscientific theory spread by Physical Review Letters (PRL).
Today, CP violation has been viewed by contemporary physics as the key to a deeper understanding of both the behaviour of elementary particles and the Big Bang origin of the universe. Here is an introduction to the CP violations by Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
1. If CP-symmetry is not violated, then the matter and antimatter that would have been produced in equal amounts in the early universe would have been annihilated, leaving behind only radiation, whereas theories with CP-violation can explain why, as the universe evolved, a little more matter survived than antimatter, and that makes up the matter we see.
2. There’s strong evidence that elementary particles called quarks (which constitute protons and neutrons) do violate CP-symmetry. The first indication of this came in 1964, when Val Fitch and James Cronin at the Brookhaven National Laboratory discovered violations of CP-symmetry in the decay of K-mesons, which are composed of one type of quark and another type of antiquark. Fitch and Cronin were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1980 for their efforts.
3. Still, the amount of violation is not enough to explain the excess of matter. So, physicists have begun looking for CP-violation in other classes of particles, such as leptons, the group which includes electrons and neutrinos, among others.
Experiments around the world are looking for signs of the charge conjugation and parity (CP) symmetry violation. However, in scientific research, falsifiable is more important than confirmation. If the topological vortex and its twin anti-vortex conform to the physical characteristics of matter and anti-matter, no one believes that in topological phase transition, a little more matter survived than antimatter.
Although there are many doubts and inconsistencies regarding CP violations, the Physical Review Letters (PRL) and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) still refuse to discuss this topic. This is the hypocrisy, dirtiness, and ugliness of contemporary physics and so-called academic journals.
The interaction between materials and environmental factors very important, and its physical essence is the synchronous effect of topological vortices.
The system still knows that there is this correspondence between charge and heat transport amongst the electrons is not a surprising result.
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I hope more people dare to stand up and fight against the rampant pseudoscience, instead of being fooled by the pseudoscientific ideas of the Physics Review Letters (PRL).
Good luck to you all.
