Not Science Fiction: Earth Hit by Unknown, Extremely High-Energy Particle

Cosmic Ray Strikes Earth Art Concept

Astronomers discovered a high-energy cosmic particle named “Amaterasu,” with an unprecedented energy level of 244 EeV, using the Telescope Array experiment in Utah. This rare cosmic ray, comparable to the historic “Oh-My-God” particle, raises questions about its origin and composition.

Unknown extremely energetic particle from space detected and named after Japanese myth.

A high-energy particle falls from space to the Earth’s surface—it is not clear where it came from or even what it is, exactly. This may sound like something out of science fiction, but it is in fact a scientific reality, as evidenced by the research led by Associate Professor Toshihiro Fujii from the Graduate School of Science and Nambu Yoichiro Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics at Osaka Metropolitan University.

Amaterasu Particle Hits Earth’s Atmosphere

Artist’s illustration of the extremely energetic cosmic ray observed by a surface detector array of the Telescope Array experiment, named “Amaterasu particle.” Credit: Osaka Metropolitan University/L-INSIGHT, Kyoto University/Ryuunosuke Takeshige

Exploring Galactic Phenomena

Cosmic rays are energetic charged particles originating from galactic and extragalactic sources. Cosmic rays with extremely high energy are exceptionally rare; they can reach greater than 1018 electron volts or one exa-electron volt (EeV), which is roughly a million times higher than achieved by the most powerful accelerators ever made by humans.

Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Ray Astronomy

Artist’s illustration of ultra-high-energy cosmic ray astronomy to clarify extremely energetic phenomena in contrast to a weaker cosmic ray that is impacted by electromagnetic fields. Credit: Osaka Metropolitan University/Kyoto University/Ryuunosuke Takeshige

The Telescope Array Experiment

Chasing after such rays from space, Professor Fujii and an international team of scientists have been conducting the Telescope Array experiment since 2008. This specialized cosmic ray detector consists of 507 scintillator surface stations, covering an expansive detection area of 700 square kilometers in Utah, United States. On May 27, 2021, the researchers detected a particle with a whopping energy level of 244 EeV.

Unprecedented Energy Cosmic Ray

“When I first discovered this ultra-high-energy cosmic ray, I thought there must have been a mistake, as it showed an energy level unprecedented in the last 3 decades,” shared Professor Fujii.

Such an energy level is comparable to that of the most energetic cosmic ray ever observed, dubbed the “Oh-My-God” particle, which had an estimated energy of 320 EeV when detected in 1991.

The recorded signal and event animation of the extremely energetic particle, dubbed the “Amaterasu” particle. Credit: Osaka Metropolitan University

Naming the Enigmatic Particle

Of the many candidates for the particle’s name, Professor Fujii and colleagues settled on “Amaterasu,” after the sun goddess that, according to Shinto beliefs, was instrumental in the creation of Japan.

The Amaterasu particle is perhaps as mysterious as the Japanese goddess herself. Where did it come from? What exactly was it? These questions remain. There is hope that the Amaterasu particle will pave the way for illuminating the origins of cosmic rays.

The Search for Cosmic Origins Continues

“No promising astronomical object matching the direction from which the cosmic ray arrived has been identified, suggesting possibilities of unknown astronomical phenomena and novel physical origins beyond the Standard Model,” Professor Fujii mused. “In the future, we commit to continue operating the Telescope Array experiment, as we embark, through our ongoing upgraded experiment with fourfold sensitivities, dubbed TAx4, and next-generation observatories, on a more detailed investigation into the source of this extremely energetic particle.”

Reference: “An extremely energetic cosmic ray observed by a surface detector array” by Telescope Array Collaboration*†, R. U. Abbasi, M. G. Allen, R. Arimura, J. W. Belz, D. R. Bergman, S. A. Blake, B. K. Shin, I. J. Buckland, B. G. Cheon, T. Fujii, K. Fujisue, K. Fujita, M. Fukushima, G. D. Furlich, Z. R. Gerber, N. Globus, K. Hibino, R. Higuchi, K. Honda, D. Ikeda, H. Ito, A. Iwasaki, S. Jeong, H. M. Jeong, C. H. Jui, K. Kadota, F. Kakimoto, O. E. Kalashev, K. Kasahara, K. Kawata, I. Kharuk, E. Kido, S. W. Kim, H. B. Kim, J. H. Kim, J. H. Kim, I. Komae, Y. Kubota, M. Y. Kuznetsov, K. H. Lee, B. K. Lubsandorzhiev, J. P. Lundquist, J. N. Matthews, S. Nagataki, T. Nakamura, A. Nakazawa, T. Nonaka, S. Ogio, M. Ono, H. Oshima, I. H. Park, M. Potts, S. Pshirkov, J. R. Remington, D. C. Rodriguez, C. Rott, G. I. Rubtsov, D. Ryu, H. Sagawa, N. Sakaki, T. Sako, N. Sakurai, H. Shin, J. D. Smith, P. Sokolsky, B. T. Stokes, T. S. Stroman, K. Takahashi, M. Takeda, A. Taketa, Y. Tameda, S. Thomas, G. B. Thomson, P. G. Tinyakov, I. Tkachev, T. Tomida, S. V. Troitsky, Y. Tsunesada, S. Udo, F. R. Urban, T. Wong, K. Yamazaki, Y. Yuma, Y. V. Zhezher and Z. Zundel, 23 November 2023, Science.
DOI: 10.1126/science.abo5095

8 Comments on "Not Science Fiction: Earth Hit by Unknown, Extremely High-Energy Particle"

  1. Paul Yarnold, PhD | November 23, 2023 at 6:32 pm | Reply

    “…we commit to continue operating the Telescope Array experiment…on a more detailed investigation into the source of this extremely energetic particle.” Is “cyberastronomy” able to identify the origin and life-span of any single particle in the Universe!? My, what humans are able to do if they try!

  2. This is pretty crazy.

  3. Chandhan V Aarya | November 24, 2023 at 12:31 am | Reply

    Extremely energetic things always have no answers except the concept called energy the most powerful cosmic theory

    I use to share my research before to the Big legends but I think they have not recieved

    Future can be predicted almost 90% on which is call (TTR) theory Time Travel Reversal

    The same theory I have been using in Financial markets alike usin for Cosmic rays juts by knowing the angles approximately i cab predict what’s the power of the ray and why it delivers juts in few min

    Share me the more info so I would wish to participate and dedicated things to the science

  4. Which country did it fall In

  5. Was this a high energy neutrino? What if someone was struck by such a particle?

  6. Prior to this extraordinary energetic particle, the Earth has been noting high energy particles since science was capable. Earth is a tiny microcosm in a very large cosmos. And now we have been pinged twice with an enormous rap each time of late. Hmmmm….. I had previously read one theory that said these high energy particles could be a particle we experienced on its way out of our system, reenergized, and now returned.
    Or I note desperate urgency to connect this energy to the quantum theory of an impact THERE makes an effect HERE, a universe away.

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